Help for clean install fo Ultra vers 8 and notebook has nother Nero on it ??

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by Appa, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    You will likely recall that I had a thread trying to decide between vers7 or 8 Nero Ultra ED. for my newer toshiba m50-mx5.

    I decided On vers 8 as it was on sale at Staples in Canda at $59/ I was not happy as the app is so bloated but the price was right and the bugs should be out of it in due the meantime i GO CRAZY !!!

    I really need help WITH how to install this from my version 8 CD, I can't remember how I did it several years ago with vers 6 on my older toshibs notebook,

    I only want the barest essential apps of the CD program. Probably this is not possibele and I wll have a bloated Nero Ultra 8, I do have enought room for the program...bu taht is not the point ; I should be able to choose what I want n=eand not have the burearucrats decide my need and use up space on my notebook,
    It makes me angry.

    I look forward to the experienced members here to advise how to install this Nero Ultra 8 in language thaaat I cna understand,

    Does anyone know?

    And if anyone can advise on how to do this install in laypeons jargon, I would really appreicated,
    I am no tech,

    The last install that I did was vers 6 and that was some time ago,
    I look forward to experienced users comments on how to do this inssall, thankyou
  2. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    I aplogize for the typos. I was looking after my twin sons ages 8 for the evening,... and wee hours (flu and cold bug); so I was up and down from the notebook typing and did not do a preview of my post.
    Again apologies.
    I have mentioned that I bought the vers. 8 and will now need to install it, however have forgotten what all that I did to get Vers 6 installed properly without InCd, and I want to do the same with this InCd.

    Also I would like to install the minimal amount of apps in this software as I don't need all the bells and whistles.
    I know it was mentioned to do a d/l from a site for the program. however I prefer to have the CD installer disk.
    The purchase via the internet at the whole price is highter than that of the Staples sale thus that is why I chose to buy it there. I certainly would have preffered buying vers. 7 which now has been sent back by all of our large retailers....Best Buy, Future Shop, Circuit City, London Drugs and even Staples as well. And the smaller computer shops have a minimum number that they have to order, so that became a nonexistent option.
    The stores apparently receive credits for their bulging inventory of Vers. 7 that no one seemed to be purchasing except sporadically as it was still at the full $100 cdn price.

    The better half said I can't be adverse to change and so I bought the large enhanced verson Ultra 8.
    Now I need to know how to properly install it on my newer notebook and need some advice on this and also would appreciate comments on what is presently the most stable upgrade to install in this version.
    My OS again is xpsp2 with a lot of RAM available.

    I really look forward to instructions on the install, just brief pointed ones or a Tutorial if vers 8 is not that different from prior versons would be helpful to this neophyte end user who is not in a comfort zone installing new programs...something always seems to go awry.
    I again only want the barebones of the app if this is possible. I understand the Interface is different and will need attention by myself to insure correct useabe of the features.
    I think that I had the software tech before I took early retirement from ny work do the vers 6 install.

    **Also I should mention that there is no Nero on my unit and so it would be simply a clean install from scratch and I would not have to use the "Nero Clean Tool".

    Again thankyou for your indulgence and patience with my query of my prior thread where members replies were greatly appreciated and helped in my decision making process of what version to buy.

    Thankyou again for your time and I hope to hear from members.
    ( and as well again apologies for the typos as I have twin boys that I was up all night with that have sore throats and the flu and I was dealing with them and since I was up and awake I was trying to post at the same time and my "bumble typing fingers" hit the wrong keys.
    Many thanks to the Geeks here for their understanding !!!!

    A little more help here indeed is required, lest I step into a minefield by not doing a proper install and get myself into a quagmire!!!
  3. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Last edited: Jan 27, 2008
  4. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    Thx for the reply, the Link was a good read and re-read. I was interested in the size of the d/l version of 8 and the dvd retail version !!!
    I guess that is why all of the confusion of vers 7 on the shelf at full price and vers 8 on the shelf at full price and then vers 7 gone and only vers 8 there and at a big Sale price of $59 cdn !!! ??
    I guess most people d/l the software, I like the cd or in this case the dvd to have.

    The read sparked a few queries, in the past I have had Nero Start Smart, Nero Burning Rom, Nero Tools installed and I really appreciate the options for install that you suggested.
    Do you think that my prior installs are too much ??

    Second has to do with the Topic underneath the second pic of Nero titled "DVD Install Options".

    I am confused here b/c I don't know enough about files of type that Nero handles and what other programs of mine might handle.

    The quotation in this section says "With almost minimal interruptions from the procedure itself, although at the end we were prompted to select of deselect what file types Nero should handle. We are glad this is offerred and in a distinct way too. As it can be a pain to go through at a later date picking and pulling out what file extension you'd like to be handled by your already favorite application other than Nero."

    I am not knowledgeable about file extensions....if this was in Nero 6 which I guess it was, likely my software tech took care of this before I took early retirement.

    What happens here now...???? I have to decide on extensions and I don't know where to start.
    If I leave all of Nero extensions in since I don't know what programs handle which on my notebook, what will be the bad repercussions???

    Again thankyou for your time.
  5. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Well, i said minimum, but Nero Start Smart is good to have for easy access. The CD-DVD speed for example in nero tools is a handy aplication to get info about a disc.
    As for file extensions...if you don't choose them now, you can choose later if you want nero to become the default handler of those type of files. For example, if now you have Windows Media Player or other player as the default player for your DVD files,and you want to change that for Nero, you can do it, and everytime you open to play a DVD file, Nero Show Time will start. You don't have to worry about what file extension should Nero handle, as they can be changed later.
    Another example is ISO files. When I installed Nero, I associated that extension with Nero. Now, if I right click on an ISO file, it has the option to "Burn With Nero Burnin ROM", and it can directly open NBR to burn as an image.
    So...I guess I would select all file types that nero can handle, and deselect the files that you want to open with certain applications. For example, I want my Avi files played with VLC, so I deslect that. If I want my pictures to be opened using PhotoShopSomething or whatever, I deselect that. Like I said, this is nothing that cannot be donne later
    After you install, if you decide that you have se for an extra feature and you want to install another application fron NERO's package, just pop in the installation DVD and install the extra application.
  6. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    Thx again for the feedback, I know that I should be more knowledgeable about file extensions which I am really wet behind the ears about.
    It is embarrassing, as I don't know the notebook in the technical sense and have never taken a course. Simply reading over the past 7 years and hit and miss with several Windows XP books various levels), a Google book....everthing you should know about Google that they don't tell You, Outlook book/M$ Office 2003 plus many other books that I refer to if Google searches fail me. I have never anytime to spend days reading them in their entirety so that I have a deeper understanding...simply too many family committments and work projects. So I struggle along and try to make fairly intelligent posts in very good forums like this one.

    I have spent a lot of time on my Security...router,SMC Barricade, and Modem and other softwares that augment these and for the past 6 - 7 Security issues (touch wood !!). Also thx to our trusted software tech at the office where I worked before early retirement. He was great and is still involved to a great extent with me as I continue to work in my profession P/T....a luxury I guess one might say.

    I am really uncertain about file extensions, I do know that I use Intervideo DVD to play dvds and should then deselect Nero Show time??

    The other one that I am foggy about is that when I use DVD Shrink...Nero is in the background doing its thing and that is what I have grown accustomed too and want to continue.

    Nero is also my Data CD backup copy for my CD's that come with my apps. however I don't know what extension that is ???

    I would really appreciate your comments or other members on this as I don't want to start an install when I am in an "iffy" situation here b/c of lack of tech knowledge.

    BTW, is there a less buggy version of 8 out there ???
    I mean upgrade less buggy??? Or does anyone know? I simply hate starting a new program when I may have problems right off the bat...just as everyone else feels, I am sure.
    Perhaps there is no one out there to comment???

    Or am I now simply at the mercy of whatever is put out as an upgrade?

    Also I did find the comment about an Upgrade version of Ultra Ed 8 interesting ($12 plus ????), however at the price I paid....I should say that according to the store Manager whom I have known for sometime he said that what I bought was the retail pkge for $49 b/c a little kid was busy ripping it open before my very eyes and the Manager of Staples whom I said knows me; gave me another $10 off. The disk was not damaged, just the wrapper and box were opened while I watched???? Kids do the darndest things !!!

    Rather kind I think of the Manager, however he only had 2 copies of version 8 and no version 7's....odd as I said as the 7's abounded last week and earlier this past week on Staples shelves???

    Likely b/c as the Link that was given to me in another post indicated that Shoppers are going the D/L route instead of the Retail Route because of Price ????
    So the $49 (b/c the kid got into the box) was likely a benefit to me even if the app is still buggy and a Resource Hog.

    I am biding my time before I do an install and appreciate very much experienced members like yourself's comments.
    Especially since I don't want to bloat my notebook and as well only want to install necessary apps. One that I did not have before is to do with Youtube and the family is interested in this Upload feature ???
    I guess there is no ability to d/l and save a You Tube from this Nero???

    Again many, many thx for your time....I am still looking after my little sons here today... with a lot of eucalyptus oil,mentholatum, steamer and chicken noodle soup...good for the spirt and soul.
    I am taking mass vit C, and oil of oregano in water so I don't get what they have !!!

    Again I look forward to your comments...I am obviously a complete Nerd when it comes to all of this !!
    Ciao for now !! and I will stay tuned here where the snow keeps coming down !!
    The fire place is the best place to be...power may go out any time this evening.
  7. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Do not worry about those darn file types associations. Nero will be able to burn or play everything that it supports,it doesn't matter if you select it as the main handler or not.
    Install everything that you think you might need. If you do't need blu ray and HD stuff yet, don't. It is really not such a big deal. This is not a marriage that you're getting into , "till death do us apart"!!
    There is always Nero 8 Clean Tool!
    If you discover you later want other aplications, install them.
    If you want to get rid of them, uninstall them.
    If you want something to always be opened with Nero, right click on it and set it that way.
  8. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    LOL...Nero and I...sigh...not a marriage made in Heaven !!!! or ancient Rome with "vino, cheese and Nero"....a soliloquy of tragedy !!!

    I appreciate your forthrightness....It is my ignorance about what is opening programs now and how I might unknowingly screw that up by allowing Emperor Nero to Rule ???

    I know you must be LOL about me...I am a complete Nerd and have to say so b/c I simply don't understand the basics.
    I hate it when I can possibly screw up well operating programs now introducing a new one without fully understanding the programs settings and what it might do to my prior programs that run well.
    That is my demise.
    I am not sure if I explain myself well enough. I don't know enough about computers to work backwards after I install Nero 8 to take away some of its default settings that might make my previously operational programs work the way they did prior to the Nero install.
    Knowing that this install may have settings that may well affect other programs operation.
    Is this a valid concern ???
    I am not a techie, as is obvious !!! And No...I don't plan on marrying Nero LOL !!!!
  9. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Unfortunately, we are talking about Nero. I tink no matter how much knowledge one holds, no one can predict if the bloated giant Nero is going to malfunction or not. I know that it does not get along with Roxio/Sonic software. The previous versions did not like Nvidia IDE drivers...bus, and bugs. I am not aware of Nero causing other software to go crazy though.
    I think most Nero installations go this way: you squeeze your butt cheeks and pray for the best!!!
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2008
  10. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    As is evident I have not even opened the wrapper yet !!! And I sit and look at the bill...which is cheap by any persons standard...but what is cheap is not always a thrill !!!

    I can take this back and get version 7 for $35, but can I still get the last best unbuggy d/l for this version???

    I just talked to the owner of a shop who said that he can get it in for me if I go in tomorrow.
    Maybe this merits the thought as I don't want problems with my personal/work notebook.
    I can't afford bugs to byte me and cause my contract work to flee away now that I am semi-retired.
    I think that if the last upgrade for version 7 is still available and its last update is bugless, then I should choose that route. I can then either keep this version for the future at this price and buy version 7 for cheap.
    The fella I talk with re programs being taken off the shelf like Nero version 7 specializes in buying them enmasse and then flips them for a decent price to the buyer and still makes a profit.
    It is word of mouth I have already got him 12 customers for tomorrow morning.
    Comments re the latest upgrade for Nero it still available and if so is it bugless???

    Soon to be divorcee of Nero Ultra 8 ??? LOL

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