Help! GC died today!!!

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by Kafluke, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. Kafluke

    Kafluke Active member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    I've been modding xbox's and PS2's for years and even can buy used broken consoles online and usually repair but I've never opened a GC before and my favorite console died today. Was playing Sunshine and it froze and made a funky sound. When I turned it off and back on... nothin. The disc wont even spin up. Even without a disc in there I get no picture? Nintendo will sell me a refurbished cube only for 50.00 but I want to fix mine if I can? Help please, I can't live without my cube!
  2. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    ok here is the question's i need to ask you

    1. does the gamecubes led light up and does the gamecubes fan come on

    2. does it display anything on the screen

    3. if none of the above apply then here's some of the problems

    nintendo's gamecube has one major flaw they placed the cd drive right on top of the heatsink for the gamecubes main processor the metal sheilding that goes around the heat sink creates even more heat causeing parts of the system to fail after a couple of months use several problem's have occured like

    1. the gamecube's fan stops working malfunction's or burns the gamecube processor to garbage

    2. the fan doesn't get enough voltage and your processor still frys

    3. your video and sound card fry's from a power searge

    number three is what im beting happened to you if you have a power fluctuation on the gamecube your gamecube will do three thing's

    1. your cd drive will burnout and no longer function

    2. or your sound and audio chip fry's

    3. your graphics processor dies

    my recommendation is send it to nintendo to get it fixed for $50.00

    or go online to and buy a used one for 59.99

    i have takin apart alot of gamecubes replaceing fan's and power supply's

    so try to fix it if you want to but remember it's your own fault if anything goes wrong and nintendo won't fix it once you take your system apart
  3. Kafluke

    Kafluke Active member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    The main power LED comes on and the internal fan spins up but nothing on the screen. The discs don't spin up either. Weird
  4. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    it sound's like your processor fryed im very sorry to have to tell you this but you may have to go and get a new one or have nintendo fix it

    but i would try another set of av/audio cables first to see if you get anything on the screen on another tv if not then you need a new cube sorry...
  5. CLiPsEmX

    CLiPsEmX Guest

    Same thing happened to me. But the fan works. The led won't go on, and there's no sound or audio. I just had my console modded by someone and I got it yesterday, and I was trying to move the chip so it wouldn't hit the reset switch. It was working when the cover was off, and then as soon as I put the cover on the led light wouldn't come on and no picture or audio. I took it off again and same thing happened. I shouldn't have opened it up. I might of screwed up something. But I really didn't touch anything except the viper chip. I sent my gamecube back to the guy to see if he can fix it. I hope I didn't fry my whole system. If I did I'm gonna have to buy a premod for $250 and I don't want to do that since I spent so much money just getting everything for the gamecube, like blank discs and the installation, and shipping.

    Kafluke was your gc modded? Maybe I have the same problem as you.
  6. minddisk

    minddisk Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    I have a similar situation.

    After installing the Viper and programming the chip, I re-assembled the GC but left the cover off. The unit powered up with fan and LED, but no AV signal and the disk wouldnt spin. I uninstalled the chip and put it all back together, and it works fine now. I double checked all the solder points ect before removing the Viper and it seemed correct, but Im goin to try and re-install again. Board is a REV A/B.
  7. CLiPsEmX

    CLiPsEmX Guest

    So I guess the problem has to do something with the installation. My gc was working fine...with the cobra bios running fine. So I guess a wire came loose in mine when I put the cover back on. Might of hit something. Minddisk I would try soldering it in again and see if it works. If it doesn't work, then maybe it's defective. Could be
  8. minddisk

    minddisk Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Well, I re-installed the viper and had the same symptoms. Then I re-programmed the BIOS and it now works. I think I had a problem with the actual BIOS not being correctly programmed. If you get a working fan and LED, but no AV signal, that is likely the cause.
  9. CLiPsEmX

    CLiPsEmX Guest

    Maybe the same thing happened. I was messing around with trying to update the bios to 0.4. I don't know though...thinking it could be anything.

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