Does anyone know anyway I can upload music tracks to my XBox Hard Disk? I have a burned CD-R and a burned DVD+R. Microsoft Dashboard doesn't recognize either of the two disks. I can't FTP the music over because when I do it shows up anywhere but the XBox Hard Disk. I have also tried a program called XCVR or something like that only to find out later that the program was defective. So once again... I need to know how to put BURNED Music tracks on my XBOX HARD DISK. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
"I can't FTP the music over because when I do it shows up anywhere but the XBox Hard Disk." Maybe you missed that in my first post... Does anyone else have any ideas to get the music to MY XBOX HARD DISK WITHOUT FTPING IT? FTP DOES NOT PUT THE MUSIC WHERE I CAN USE IT AS CUSTOM TRACKS IN MY GAMES.
what format are these tracks in? they should be showing up on your Xbox if they are wma or mp3 files not sure about mp4 files though.
Right now the entire disk is filled with MP3 formatted songs. They are all burned on a DVD+R. The only kind of disks I have for burning right now are CD-R and DVD+R. So far my XBox will not recognize either of them. The XBox is softmodded and I have a Samsung DVD Drive in it if that helps. I used Nero to burn the disks. My PC plays them fine and so does my stereo and DVD player. It's just that my XBox won't recognize them when I run the microsoft dashboard. I was wanting to upload these songs to my Hard Disk so I can use them in Raw 2 for the XBox. If you need any other info, feel free to ask.
To make things to use as custom soundtracks you really need to use the MS dash, and the music needs to be in normal audio cd format.(cda).(xbox soundtracks are I believe wma format?) The games only know where to look for soundtracks if you make them and install them with the copy cd function in MS dash..Just so you know..the music goes in the Tdata folder..have a look in there for large folders with wma files in them..You can make and put .wma files in but you need to know how to make a working database (.pls?) file for the listing and then how to edit the master soundtracks link file so the xbox knows where to find it..lots of hard work And just a fyi...the samsung drive really isn't happy with dvd+..but you need to burn normal audio cd's anyway..use cd-rw Moral of the tale..."just because you modded it doesn't mean you have to do everything the difficult and time consuming way, MS already built the xbox with a way to do this...use it!"
lol! Alright. You lost me. I am so out in left field right now. When I look into my XBox files, I see no folder anywhere called Tdata.
I had problems getting tracks onto my xbox 360 also when I first got it. I found that if I burn the music onto the cd as an 'audio' disk, then the xbox 360 recognizes it. The music can be in any format, mp3, wma, whatever, but the disk has to be burned as an audio disk which is easy to do using Nero. The only problem is that as an audio disk it will not hold as many songs as just burning it as an mp3 disk. I just burned a lot of cd's in audio format. Hope this helps.
Ok don't's not like you can do anything that way anyway without loads more knowlege of how the xbox software interacts with games.. The folder you seek is E:\Tdata and is hundreds and hundreds of numbered folders with no info as to what they contain...If you have unleash have an explore of the tdata and udata folders..any wma files you come across you can play with unleash..It has a music player (didn't know that eh?)..but don't bother trying to put music directly into Tdata or's waaaaaaayyy too hard.. just burn a normal audio cd (one you can play in a normal cd player)and use the ms dash to copy the songs you want..simple,quick and effective..
That all sounds so easy, but the bad thing that I have already tried to do it all before and nothing seems to work. I'll try your idea one more time to see if perhaps I missed something. Thanks for the help. If you think of any other ideas, just let me know. Thanks again.
Well I guess my XBox is just stupid or something. I created an audio CD using Nero and put it into my XBox. As soon as I ran the microsoft dashboard it told me that the disk was unreadable. Yet the disk plays fine in my PC. I used a CD-R, but I doubt if the type of disk would make much of a difference. Any other ideas?
Alright. The CD-RW worked. But now I have another problem. For some odd reason when I try to copy the music from the disk to the XBox, it tells me that there isn't enough room on the hard drive. I know that there is however because it says so on my EVox dashboard. I may need to reinstall the microsoft dashboard. Does anyone know how I can do that without messing anything else up on my box? Thanks for all your help thus far. I appreciate it.
Is your ms-dash working? You need to make sure there is plenty of space on the E:\ drive because it caches the files as they copy and need more space than you think..