HELLO to all out there, I have one small question, but one real big problem, on my PC I have the new Vista program. No problem so far, I can Shrink my DVDs no problem and creat my video-ts files; but and here it is how in the hell do I open them with the new Media Player, I just can't do it, I down loaded PowerDVD and Vista won't allow it to play, what is going on, there must be a way to view my files with Media or find some way to get PowerDVD to start ? Has anyone an idea ? All the very best NikJack. nikjackson1968@yahoo.com
Mate i had the same problem untill i got AVS DVD Player and it works and its freeware. AVS DVD Player http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_players/avs_video_player.cfm Try that it should work fine. ps. Remove your email address cause its against forum rules