I'm in need of some serous help. I sortmodded my xbox last week using the splinter cell and action replay method i made a backup of my ms dashboard but not my emprom. And today i downloaded the auto installer v2.11 burn't it to a disc and ran it in my xbox. Choose the dashboard option and clicked install MS dash board i then rebooted by xbox and i get the "error 21 - service required" Now i deleted my linux installers and have no way of FTPing into my xbox and the autoinstaller disc won't run. so what do i do to get a dashboard i've read guides on hot swapping but i don't really know how to do it and don't have a backup of my epromm or my MS dash any more. please tell me this isn't the end of my xbox modding days
I know how to fix this its a bit of a job but i think if i can do it u can .....i think maybe we could workout a deal hit me up with an email or on aim or msn..... Aim: Marinevanisher <-- yes everyone messege this guy!! Msn: **removed**
Cmon guys, dont post your emails here, do you want a mailbox full of spam? Simply asks other members to Private Message you with their contact info.
impu1sex is this the hot modding trick which i've been reading up on because i've read quiet a few guides to it and feel i could do it now or is there a better way.