HELP HELP R4 SDHS CARD..loading mode

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by icarly, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. icarly

    icarly Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    i am going mad with this.
    I have a R4 sdhc or this is what it says on the box "R4 sdhc upgrade Revolution for DS (NDSL/NDS).

    Now i went to the website to download the software
    Where i bought the card from

    That was easy enough to follow. but with no luck apart from it did work, and you could choose your game i had put on.

    But the next time you tured it on it would just go into "LOADING mode and stay like that....

    I have tryed formatting to FAT32 it is currently FAT , and i also tryed this , going to this website like some of you suggest and downloading this version

    This also was the same , it workrd the first time, but again the second time you turned the ds on it would just say reloading

    I hope someone can help me with this or any more things to try
    Someone must have had the same problem (DSLITE)..


  2. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    R4's are a nightmare, however you may still have the wrong firmware on the card - this is due to several cards being called R4 SDHC.

    Try the following

    1) Format your micro SD with Panasonics SD formatter (free use Google to find) and use it each time you change the firmware.

    2) Download your firmware and extract it straight on to the SD (not onto the PC then transfer)

    3) Try the available firmware's - hosts them all, start with the likely candidates and work your way through

    4) Ensure the SD is seated correctly in the R4 before putting into the DS

    5) At this stage do not add any roms - get it past the loading screen first.

    Likely candidates
    R4 SDHC (,
    R4 SDHC (,
  3. icarly

    icarly Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    thanks for your help Kittymat, but i gave up in the end, i must have tryed about 20 different versions.

    But the site i bought the card from, you where able to download the software for that card as well.

    This is why i did not want to give up, because it actually went on the card, and was fine the first time, but just kept loading on the second time i turned the ds on.

    But why are they saying that this is the software for the card when it doe's not work, they sell the cards to people, so it must be the right software, because all the reviews where great.

    I have just put it back in the post, as they said send it back to us and either they will put the software on for me, or send me a replacement card.

    Which is possable the card could be faulty, and i was doing it right all the time.

    Kittymat what would be your view on this, as to they tell you to download the software for the card, which is the right software as they are selling the cards and the reviews are good.
    Or there is possable a fault with the card
  4. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    The problem is knowone knows, even your supplier, they order the R4 SDHC but with all the fakes around it is difficult to know what they are getting.

    No one recomends this (or anything else with R4 in the title)

    There are lots of very good cards around, unfortunately R4 is not one (or all 36) of them
  5. icarly

    icarly Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Thanks kittymat.
    Totally new in this area, if i would have known i would have gone for a better card.
    It was only my little lad saying about them, as his freinds have got them.

    So your advice is to look for a good quality card and one that is recommended
  6. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    The best (but also most expensive is Cyclods, then M3 Real, AceKard, Ez Flash, Supercard and the list goes on.

    Avoid R4 (all of them) and DSTT (not because its a bad card but there are too many fakes around)
  7. icarly

    icarly Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Yes i did know how to put the software on thanks.
    after formatting it a dozen or so times, and trying different versions of software that was for the card, but it just was not working.

    I had forgot about "event viewer" so i went back to the date i was trying to put the software on this card, and seen about 20 error's

    Telling me "disc has a bad block"
    So i posted the information on to a microsoft forum, and was basically told if formatting doe's not fix this its more likely that the card is faulty.

    And to top all that, i had an email from the web site where i bought the card from, asking me if the R4 card had a little shiny sticker on the back of it, well the one i recieved had no such sticker.

    So after all that, it is more likely to be a fake...or a dud card
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009

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