Hi i have the emulator MAME32, and i want to know, how do i get that program to boot-up at startup? (i have windows xp, by startup imean go strait to the program not the desktop) ANY HELP PLEASE!
If you go into your Bios you can set it up to boot from your cd/dvd rom, just set it to boot from your rom and you should be all set (i think)
Depending on You MoBo it should be either F1 or Del. It usually says on start up just look out for it.
hold F8 while booting, BE WARNED, if you don't know what you are doing in your bios then don'e attempt to try.
Just hit the "Reset Bios Defaults" in the Bios if you run into any problems. You looking for something like this below, just set the 1st boot device to your CD/DVD ROM.