ok i got the AR and i am trying to get the files on it for the soft mod and it just wont work any one no how to fix or help me with this problems
you may have to look around on action replay or the internet for the right files, it took me a day or two to find one that worked on my xbox.
yo i got the soft mod software on my xbox and i have dothalo and flash fxp and i mod the maps in dothalo but when i play the game the mods arent their i need help ive been workin on it 4 2 days and i cant fugurwe out a way to play the modded maps
if ur usin mechassualt go to www.codejunkies.com and go to power saves then m's then mech assualt then look for one then download sid 4 installer and a power save that says run linux it may take a while but owell it took me 2hours ive been workin on this for 3 days striaght and and figure out how to play modded maps