Hiya All, I don't know what I've done, I recently flashed a starview box and found it had more channels than my dreambox I was advised to flash with a uk image, so I flashed using DREAM UP with Dream UK 1.6 now i'm missing half of what I had all s*y sports gone most of s*y movies gone absolutly loads I've scanned using brute force and 6952 anybody got any answers please thanking you all in advance Johnny
I down loaded dream up from official site, flashed uk i.6 got all my channels but still missing all redhot spice and poss live/boxoffice events I have tried manual scan as other member said, but no luck any advice please
Go to manual scan and type 00651 for the frequency. All other values are preloaded from the the current channel. Tick network search(NIT) and start the scan.
Switch to a working channel, go to manual scan and enable BAT and ONIT and let the other values untouched.
cheers mate for your time on this, did as you said and scan took 2 secs and nothing so did again but ticked Bat, Onit and network search searched for about 5 mins came up with 35 new tv services they seem to be the same channels I already had (have a tick next to them in the menu, to say new servces) I'll have a look tonight to see if red hot and spice are there, finger crossed, not to bothered about them, just want box office for up and coming Oscar dela hoya fight. thank you so much for your time and info Johnny
Hiya all Mgb17 mate, had no luck I have tried every scan under the sun and still nothing cant find my red hot channels and spice channel so guess still won't have box office for the next fight I flashed my dreambox 500c with dreamuk1.6 and still nothing, just loads more info channels on but mainly blank my mates starview box gets the lot any other ideas mate cheers Johnny
I have mate, if the frequency fro red hot is 00299 i tick the box's (all in different orders and equations (bat oint etc) I get nothing
I went on locked channel red hot wives into man scan freq 00299 modulation 64qam Fec auto then ticked network scan found 4 new tv services but never can fing them now if i do a brute force scan i always get it up as at least 30 new tv services but can never find them and couldn't even begin to think what they maybe, usually another info or hd test etc
You should get the following channels via 299 mhz: "ITV3" service_type="01" /> "ITV2" service_type="01" /> "Red Hot Wives Nightly"service_type="01" /> "Television X Nightly" service_type="01" /> "Playboy TV Nightly" service_type="01" /> "Spice Extreme Nightly" service_type="01" /> "Adult Channel Nightly" service_type="01" /> "Red Hot Raw Nightly" service_type="01" />