help I'm new to this and desperate

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by smorte99, Dec 4, 2009.

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  1. smorte99

    smorte99 Guest

    Hi to one and all. I liveing the teesside area and are using a DVB The Box until wednesday it was working well with lots of channels comming on (via ntl/virgin line). Its now all gone off with just a message saying no signal I've tried to re-scan but its comming back fault and back to same message "no signal" I am new and don't really understand all the lingo but could really really do with some advice please. I would / as would my son who loves nic junior would be eternally gratefull. I look forward to your reply.
  2. s411ota

    s411ota Guest

    if you know how to reflash the box with the latest firmware... reset the factory settings, and then reflash, then rescan.
  3. cactikid

    cactikid Active member

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    did you try a factory reset 0000 to delete first,auto scan your provider,remove any splitters first,and to finish,menu 1570 set default key and emu to on.
    in uk at the moment there are new things happening provider having breakdowns and the move to nagra 3=no fix as it is a new encryption.
    have a read of other posts for more info.
  4. smorte99

    smorte99 Guest

    Sorry mate that may aswell be in urdu!! But I'm quite good wiv stuff like this so if you would be so kind as to give me a simple run through how to do it. I like I said earlier would be well happy, would even buy you a pint if your local. Sorry if I'm putting on-you. Steven
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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