Help in making a compilation backup from 14 DVD set to ? DVDs

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by daimyo, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. daimyo

    daimyo Member

    Jul 23, 2004
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    I have a box set of all the Monty Python episodes,
    and as this is starting to be a borrow-out fave,
    I would like to back them up to DVD-R and also condense
    them into however many less DVD-R's it takes, stripping out the somewhat annoying menus and extra stuff, and put 1 or 2 extra episodes on each new DVD-R, shrinking them SLIGHTLY to make 'em fit, nothing extreme of course! I am wondering how that is going to work if I have two of the same VOB filenames, say the original 4 episodes from disc one, and the 1st two episodes from disc 2. Since they all have the same sequencing file names on each original disc, and will be adding one or two with the same name at the end of the line, so to speak, what if anything do I need to change to effect this re sequencing on the whole project to burn these compilations- or am I not making sense here? I am familiar with basic DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink and NERO Ultra tools. Thanks.
  2. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    You could use shrink to rip movie(or show) only, compress to what amt. you wish to put on one DVD, say 4 or 5, to your HD. Then use NeroVision Express(NVE) and add each one to your compilation and create a menu (and chapters, if you wish) to go to each one. You must have your sizing done before entering NVE as it will not compress.

    Then preview your work with NVE's remote control and burn from there also. I use NVE quite a bit and you can get fairly creative in it for menus. DVDLab also will do what you want, it costs 99.00(it is also much more elaborate), but since you have Nero......
  3. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Hi guys!

    If you have a bunch of VOBs you are trying to assemble and some of them have the same name, Just re-name them.

    If you have:

    VTS_01_2.vob (from another titleset)

    You can change the duplicate VTS_01_2.vob to VTS_01_3.vob and then change the original _3.vob to _4.vob.

    Hi Big O, Have you used the title effects in NVE? They are pretty cool!
  4. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Hey frank, ain't talked to ya in a while. Yes I have used the title effects in NVE, it has some other really cool stuff as well(which I'm sure you already know being the menu guru you are), moving backgrounds, import pics, etc.

    I still haven't started my project yet, waiting to see if DVDLab pro will play in all standalones? Have you tried it yet? I may have need of your expertise.
  5. daimyo

    daimyo Member

    Jul 23, 2004
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    OK, I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. So far I have
    stripped and shrunk 5 episodes, into two files, then I call up NERO Burning ROM, call up the files from the folder (disc 1) and drag and drop them into the VIDEO_TS window.
    Then, I go into the next folder with the renumbered files (episodes) etc and drag and drop them over...

    Well and so, they line up but when I try to burn it, it gives me a message: "Video title set containing VTS_04_0.IFO is not required" and "DVD-Video files reallocation failed" so then I go and see what getting rid of VTS_04_0.IFO will do...whereupon it gives me another error message stating "Required file 'VTS_04_0.IFO' is not present" and "DVD-Video files compliance test failed"
    Hmmmmn Catch 22 eh? Any idea here? I am of course stumped. Thanks.

  6. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Hi daimyo,

    OK, try this instead.... What you are currently doing is trying to hand assemble a burnable VIDEO_TS folder and for some reason, Nero does not like it.

    Why not let Shrink do the work for you.

    Basically you want to use Shrink to assemble a bunch of parts and pieces from various DVDs without worrying about titlesets.

    First take a disc that you want a part of and open it in Shrink. Once it has completed analyzing, select Re-author and open the start/end-chapter select feature. (Look for the opposing arrows above the compilation window on the left.)

    What you have here are some sliders and arrows, along with a couple of chapter selection drop down menus. Just experiment with it and you should be able to figure out how to isolate the clip or chapter(s) you want. It's pretty easy.

    Once that's done, back it up to a location on your hard drive. put in your next disc and do the same thing, isolate the next section you want and back it up to another folder in the same location as the first. Makes it easier to find. Repeat as needed making folders from different discs.

    You don't need to make a folder for your last clip. Once you have it isolated and placed in the compilation window, use the browser to go get the folders you made previously. Get them all together and you can back them up so Shrink can combine them.

    A tip... You can isolate multiple sections from the same disc and add them to a Shrink compilation. For example, say you wanted every other chapter in a movie and you wanted them to play in reverse order, just isolate each one and add it to the compilation. Drag the titles around until they are in the order you want.

    If you want to add titles or sections from another disc, you need to save your first compilation by backing it up to your HDD and then starting a new compilation with the second disc. You will then add the first compilation to the second.

    The nice thing about doing it this way is that you never have to deal with individual VOBs. Once you have assembled everything in Shrink, just back the whole thing up and Shrink will establish a nice VIDEO_TS folder with all your clips and chapters assembled in a format that Nero will burn.

    Hi Big O, You know I'm just thinking that it may be the burn engine in DVD Lab that may not work right or cause compatibility issues. Normally I take my DVD Lab creation and just back it up to my hard drive and then burn it with Nero. Maybe that kinda corrects any problems. I haven't had a navigation problem. I just keep it as simple as possible and make sure all the links are in. That's the fun part anyhow.

    I did a little practice video with it and had about seven menus linking to nine or ten short clips. I just kept adding on to it. It was very confusing to watch but all the links worked.
  7. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    daimyo, what frank is telling you will work, but instead of using burning rom why not try NVE and create a menu so you can go to any show you want on the DVD?

    Also if you just want them on a disc without a menu, use burn express instead of burning rom(it is located directly below burning rom). Open your files in a seperate window and click and drag them to the VIDEO_TS folder in express. Ignore the AUDIO_TS folder. Express will automatically choose the files it needs to burn the DVD and then you burn out of express also. This will eliminate your "catch 22".

    I may try that frank, I've been burning out of DVDLab(it's easier,lol). Since I'll be handing these out to relatives, they all have different players, I just want to be sure they'll work in theirs, not just mine.

    Thanx for the input, that DVDlab does do a heck of a job, I just wondered if you had tried the pro version.
  8. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Excellent suggestion, Big Orange. A menu would be very useful on an episodic disc. I can see where trying to find a specific episode to watch would be a pain in the butt without one, more so than a regular movie.

    I'm using Pro, I don't think there is any advantage for the simple stuff I do though. I just downloaded it and have been using each new beta as they come out. I'll buy it from Oscar if and when he ever finishes it.
    Lately I have not been burning to many DVDs, I've been learning Premiere Pro and also Real Draw Pro. Both fun programs. Premiere Pro is amazing. It has more features than I'll ever use.
  9. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Lordy frank! I can't even afford the tutorial for premiere pro, much less the app itself! LOL

    I have heard very good things about it-Adobe has some excellent products. It's pretty advanced isn't it? Leave it to you, I'm still trying to master DVDLab- the more I use it the more I realize how much I didn't know about it or it's capabilities.

    On the DVDLab pro version, can I get a beta copy or is it exclusive for a certain few?
  10. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    The beta download is kinda hidden in the history page but heres the link.

    Pro is missing a lot of components so the drill is that once you get it downloaded and installed, just expand it and your regular version in Windows explorer then copy and paste the missing components.

    There is also a DVD Lab 1.4.2 beta:

    Quite a few fixes over 1.3 so it is worth taking a look at.

    Oscar keeps these betas around for months so I look at it as a way to actually learn the program before you decide to buy it. 30 day trials are just not long enough for me to figure things out. As it is my yard is looking like a nature preserve and my racing has kinda ended. Getting to old for it anyhow. Now if I could just quit working, (overrated except for the checks) I could spend all my time playing on the computer.

  11. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Know what you mean,LOL. I had a bad car wreck which has enabled me to play on here a lot more. I dread going back to work. I've gotten lazy.

    BTW, I've got real draw pro, but haven't used it much since I got into this DVD burning business. I need to get back and use it, it's an awesome app. I used to draw quite a bit. Are you pretty familiar with it?

    Thanx for the URL's, I'll look into it later tonite.
  12. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Putting multiplies on a single DVD is a snap.

    First: assemble all the DVD's or episodes you have, run them through DVD Shrink. Let DVD Shrink rip them. When that's finished, run them through re-Author. Trim off all the Audio you don't require then the extras and trailers. If the project is epicedial, you may wish to also remove the ending credits also. All of this you can do using the "Start" / "Stop" feature in DVD Shrink re-Author.

    Now, using maximum compression, run them X2, then to a file on your HD. On each pass, use all of your quality controls set to "Maximum sharpness".

    When finished open DVD2One (a truly super "proggy"). DVD2One should be set to "Join" then select the "Seamless" "Mode".

    DVD2One will give you a Warning when you attempt to put too much on it. :)

    DVD Shrink to edit and to compress. Compress it twice using maximum compression. DVD2One to join and then to your favorite engine to burn.

    What you can expect:

    I have assembled 5 DVD-5 movie OR 4 DVD-9 movies on a single DVD. On this "Puppy" don't even think of using anything other that Ritek G04' OR Verbatim "DataLife". Use your, "I'm not too bright, I bought this crappy stuff." at your own risk BUT don't ask for help if you do use it.
    The quality ? On a par with a first generation VHS tape done on SP speed. (For those of who forgot, SP is the best possible speed for a VHS.)

    Seem too good to be true ? Allot of others have thought so too until they actually tried it. They are now believers. :)


  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I fear Pete has finally eaten the shark.
  14. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Pete, what in the world........

    You can't do that!!! You don't see Chevy change it's bowtie, Nike change it's check mark, come to think of it Exxon did change from Esso and got rid of the tiger.

    Actually I kinda like it, there's a lot of symbolism here. Coooool.....

    BTW, hope all is well, been gone, haven't talked to ya in a while.
  15. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Gee wizzz Guys, and I thought you loved me because of my posts and personality -

    I'm still here there "Big" guy, had some rehab set-backs - but the world goes on - - - With or without me (Lol)

    Just trying to help our new friend daimyo out with his project. It worked fine for me doing Sex in the City, Soprano's (sp), Wonder Woman, The Flash and other episode type stuff (wish I had the Monty stuff, one of my favorites :)
  16. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I did eat him Sophocles, thought he was gone for good too BUT wouldn't ya know, a few days later I got bitten in the @$$ so now I know he's back -

    I'm always up for a vote - Whatta ya think ?

    A vote for the Shark


    a vote for the PC ?

    I wasn't sure myself.

    My one Shark host went belly up,
    I made the change and then,
    I found another fine and friendly host

    Go Figure :p)
  17. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    We do Pete, we do. I know all about that rehab crap, going thru it myself after one SERIOUS car wreck last July, what a drag, ya just gotta keep pluggin' away. Like you said some days are better than others.

    Of course with all this time on my hands I have discovered this wonderful forum and you guys, that silver lining in every cloud thing they talk about.

    On another note I have used DVD2One in the way you described (well, close anyway) and it does do a good job. I really like having a menu with eposodic DVD's, which is why I use NVE. I just love The Andy Griffith Show with Barney, it never gets old. I laugh as hard at the last time as the first.

    Btw, I really do like the new gif with the diving and the PC, a perfect combo for you considering your two fields of expertise.

    Sooo..... my vote is for the new gif.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHW 832S dual layer[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2004
  18. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    I wonder what the heck happened to my gif, all I can see is a little box with a red x in it... something else to fix, dang.

    Hey guys, I ran across this program for making .avi titles:

    It has got a lot of cool effects, motion, 3-D, etc. It has a 30 day demo. A couple hours playing with it yields some pretty neat effects. Great if you like to make insert disc 2 clips or if you want to have an intro clip on your back-up. I just bought it today so I have not tried exporting it to anything yet. NVE should pick it up though. The demo won't let you export though.

    Real Draw Pro is one of my favorite programs! Excellent for making menu buttons and backgrounds or just about anything else you can think of. I am a newbie still after three or four months playing with it. It works well with Premiere and of course DVD Lab. Big O, Have you seen the camera tutorial? I drew one of the lenses after about two hours. Actually came out pretty good. Spent some time over at Real Draw Café, I did the chrome text with the Gen-X effect applied.

  19. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Very cool site frank, I just put it on my desktop.

    The only thing I have done with it is some cool toons but I plan to get back into it since I have exhausted every backup app out there known to man and now pretty much use the same 4 or 5 all the time.

    Unless sophocles comes up with another one as he is known to do from time to time. lol

    I did notice your gif was gone, you must've had the same host as Pete. I have to reload mine about once a month cos they keep cutting me off. I actually drew and made me one with a 3-D animation app I have, but I don't have my own web site.
  20. daimyo

    daimyo Member

    Jul 23, 2004
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    Thanks for all of the ideas and help. I'll try 'em out soon, and get back to ya all on it.
    Wouldn't think of using lesser-than media in any case,
    as an audio engineer I use Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs always...
    Unfortunately I can't afford their DVD-Rs, so I get the
    Ritek branded G04's from newegg very cost effective,and after 30+ burns, no coasters, even from user failiure :)

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