help in making home movie

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by venkee, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. venkee

    venkee Guest

    Dose any one know how to make home movie from SONY MiniDV camcorder (HC42). I am trying to use "nero" software (which came with SONY DRX 810 UL DVD burner) to make VCD to send it to INDIA. The quality of movie goes down like anything. also I cant do any modifications to movie. When tried super VCD the qualit little improved but the widescreen view (in which movie was recorded) was lost. Is making DVD over VCD will be advantageous?. I will appreciate your help.
  2. rdrunr11

    rdrunr11 Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    I have the exact camera and I use Pinnacle 9.4.3 for all my video productions. I have made a couple of VCD's and they came out average, but when burned to DVD the quality is EXCEPTIONAL. I have made numerous DVD's and they have all turned out to be professional quality!! IF you can afford Final Cut Pro, that would be the way to go but it is VERY expensive!! Let us know how it works out!!
  3. venkee

    venkee Guest

    Thanks for your suggestion. I tried making DVD and have two problems 1. the quality is little improved but not as best as seen on camcorder, may be 70% only. 2. For 1 min movie it took half the size of DVD. Do you know how can I solve these two things? Is there any way to compress the movie to fit in properly? Digital quality can be improved? I will appreciate if someone can help me with this issue.
  4. rdrunr11

    rdrunr11 Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Like I said, Pinnacle will do every thing for you that needs to be done. I can put about 77 minutes of very high quality footage on DVD. I can fit approximately 150 minutes if I reduce the quality to the medium setting and still have really good quality video. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you!! I have produced GREAT videos with my HC42 and Pinnacle Studio 9.4.3.

    On the size aspect, you need to have an enormous hard drive to transfer and edit the video. I have dual 250 GB hard drives with a dual core processor and I have about 30% of my system available at any given time. I am continuously having to delete my previously produced videos to make room for the new ones. I am about to buy 1 terabyte for my HD, but have to wait until $$$$ becomes available!! Editing and producing takes up enormous space!!

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