help in setting up website

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by soulja123, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. soulja123

    soulja123 Member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    hey i wanna set up a website and wanna add iframes but im kinda new lol and i dno wat to do so could anyone please help me or give me a guide on how to please

    thanx :-D
  2. silk42

    silk42 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    What are you planning on doing with your site? For example, are you looking to do e-commerce? Is this just a personal website? Do you have your own server and access to broadband? Do you want to use Microsoft or are you comfortable with Linux and Apache? I know that I asked a lot of questions, but there are many alternatives to running your own website. In all honesty, when you consider the cost of electricity and maintenance, you may find it cheaper to use a web hosting service such as or There are several to choose from and the prices vary depending on the features you want. No matter what you choose, you'll need to register a domain name as well.

    Personally, I run my own Microsoft server at home. I have to run a dynamic dns client because I don't have a static IP from my Internet provider. I'm not sure if it's actually cheaper than having someone else host it for me, but I mainly use it for educational purposes. If I want to setup FTP, add mailboxes, or test Flash, then I can do so at any time. You may also have to change some port numbers to get e-mail or http to work depending on your ISP; I had to do that with mine. Also, if you generate a lot of traffic, your ISP may disable your account. You'll want to read the Terms of Service if you don't plan on purchasing a business account.

    It's a lot to consider, but give it some thought and try to narrow down your options. Once you decide, I'm sure one of us here at AfterDawn can help.

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