I wanted to install a 200 gig HD as a slave in my tower. how hard is it to set up the software. I never did a HD before. I have installed dvdburners but never a HD. IM installing a Maxtor. thanks
software?? as far as formating, windows will do it for you Open my computer and click on help, in the search type in "format", click on [bold]Format a basic volume[/bold] and follow the instructions
read this link tho for seagate still the same for other drives http://www.seagate.com/support/kb/disc/howto/install_xp_disk_mgmt.html
someone told me I have to go into the bios or something..so its unnecessary? also whats the maxblast installation software for? again its a maxtor 7200rpm 8mb cach 200 gig hd. thanks for thehelp guys.
without going into the bios, see if the motherboard recognizes the drive & correct size. if not than need to go into the bios to auto detect the drive. might need the software if xp does not go past 137gig if using sp1 & 2 if drive set as 1 partition
yea i went into the bios it recognizes it as a 137gb drive..but its a 200 gig drive what do I do now? The maxtor drive came with an installation cd.
check for a bios update for your motherboard to see if that resolves the problem. if not than use that install disk.
actually when i went to the bios it recognized it as 137gb. then I followed the link above to install and it recognized it as 200 gb. actually, 192gb. so I partitioned it. since I have xp professional I downloaded all the sp 1 and 2 so I was up to date. I guess its fine...is it normal to get a little less than 200 gb than whats written on the box? by the way thanks for the help guys!
very normal, windows sees file size differently to hard drive manufactures. Infact i have all my 120gb drives partiioned into 3. 2 drives = 37.2gb per partition, 2 drives = 38.1gb per partition 37.2 x 3 = 111.6gb 38.1 x 3 = 114.3gb and these were all sold as 120gb hard drives Someone smarter than me will explain why each is different
when you look at the drive thru windows it shows 1 size that is smaller than stated size but if you do properties of the drive it shows the stated size