HELP ME convert/author/burn

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by lindseya, Feb 6, 2004.

  1. lindseya

    lindseya Member

    Jan 1, 2004
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    As a virgin I think i need some help. ive got my AVI files downloaded but I believe I know need to convert them then author then burn to watch them on a standalone. Ive downloaded 3 programs cucusoft/ifoedit/clonedvd followed the instructions and failed, cucusoft took 60 hours to convert my avi and ive got 22 gb on my hdd??? can anybody give a virgin some advice on the best system to work with and easy ones, I dont mind paying for them as long as they work and i can work them - im not a crazy brained IS bod. cheers L
  2. rizzla

    rizzla Guest

    Right let's start.......

    1st ting's 1st is what ur going to need (in order your going to use them) all of these you can get ur hands on for FREE Not bad in it! ;)

    1)Virtual Dub
    3)TMPGE Author
    4)Nero (optional)

    I'm going to tell u the way that I have been doing it, and so far it has worked (which must mean i'm doind something right :s)

    1st we extract the sound from are movie using Virtual Dub then save it as an wav from there u open up virtual dub again and now same the film with no sound. Once they are done your going to open up TMPGE from there what you are doing is coverting your AVI files into to MPGE files which is the format that you need to convert it when it comes to authoring. So you put in both your sound of the movie and your movie wit no sound into TMPGE from there yous start up the convertion and go and have a good old sleep! Coz it's going to take around 8-5 hours depending on ur machine. Once you wake up u then have your MPGE file which is no ready to be Authord this will no put ur files into VOB file aswell as other stuff which will alow are DVD player to read them. So as I was saying author ur movie which this time takes about 1hour or so onve done it's ready to burn!!! that's the easy part! A good web site to get all of this packeges is from there you can find all of them aswell as what I have been talking about!

    P.S. If you need any more help you no where to find me! ;) hope thats helped O and AVIcodec tells you what your films about i.e how long it is what region it is and so on. So use that to set up TMPGE!

    WiT PeAcE RiZ
  3. lindseya

    lindseya Member

    Jan 1, 2004
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    many thanks i'll give this a try
    cheers Lindsey

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