help me-my desktop has gone into recovery active mode error,i cant delete internet explorer 7

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by engin123, Jan 27, 2008.

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  1. engin123

    engin123 Guest

    help me-my desktop has gone into recovery active mode error,i cant delete internet explorer 7,i cant use my computer now my friends im stuck,i did what one of your members told me to do now my computer has got me on the run around,its important that i keep my computer working being im disabled & im getting e-mails from doctors or nurses for check up does & levels of my type 2 diabeties,

    sinse i put on zone alarm its messed up the configation on my browser then it wont allow my ip address to come on its stopping everything coming onto my computer even my favorate dish that my mum sends me through the net,joking,but im serious i think my blood pressure is rising wanting to know what to do next now im panicing,i went to add & remove to remove internet explorer 7 & i thought ok all i do now is to re-boot.

    then after re-booting when i turned back on my pc my desktop was in white saying desktop recovery & an error has occured while trying to open or do 4 of these things it has liosted on it underneath ,i want it back to the vway my desktop was looking before,this has happened to me quite a few times in the past i want it off for good.

    has my desktop got a bug or virus for sleeping around with to many back ground pictures,im just a learner on the computer so please anything you advise me to do do it step by step so i understand what to do next,i have kaspasky 6.0. but that dont get rid of bugs adaware or spam,i had a bad virus or trojan horse a year aog & i tried that sofware called preifix i think its called no other virus software could take it off but preifix did,but with having both softwares on my pc it was causing confliction & it was slowing my computer down,

    i had no choice but to commit murder in the first degree & i had no choice but to delete it through the recycle bin,please help i need to delete explorer 7,how do you do it it just keeps coming back,i tried to delete it from the programme files it would't delete saying its being used & that the disk space is full or empty,i don't have a clue,i awaite your speedy reply with all links i need free software only please that works i cant get zone alarm off that keeps coming back on after removing it

    ,is explorer a part of the windows network,one of your members saifd to delete it but he was not sure that if it was a part of it,can you check please,im going crazy yet i need to get it back on fully working,anyother one spybot i used avg but no good,
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

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