help me please

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by gunit2004, Jan 11, 2004.

  1. gunit2004

    gunit2004 Guest

    i am try to copy a dvd useing nero 6 but i have had a look at the guides on this site and when it says to go on dvd format the only 1 i have is minnidvd hows this any help would be grate thanks
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    The Mini-DVD format you spoke of is under the CD heading of Nero. Let's start by getting you into the DVD Mode -

    THEN -

    You have to rip the DVD first, get rid of the copy write thingie - then you need to size it - don't worry, that's automatic - THEN you burn it -

    Download DVDShrink version 3.1 - It will work with Nero so you don't have to - So, toddle off now to the backup store - ->

    and pick youse up, I say, pick youseself up the very costly program, on sale today, (cranking up my Leghorn, Foghorn voice) I say son, I say it be on sale today for the reduced cost to you, I say son, ONLY to you the special cost of FREE (I can float a loan for ya if ya need one :-D.

    As they used to say on Sunday night – “Say Goodnight, Gracie” - “Goodnight, Gracie”

    And I’m out of here - -


    Ooohhh ya, Welcome to the neighborhood !

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