ok, i did the action replay, mechassault hack, to run linux through mechassault to load either evox or unleashedx. well, my idiotic friend deleted all my files in the file manager in my evox dashboard. well now everytime i boot up my xbox without a game inside it, it says, "xbox service needed, call for assistence", and then repeating in a bunch of numbers (the text is green with a black background with the number 13 in the upper left corner). Is there anyway to get my xbox back to it VERY original state?? pleeeze help me in anyway!!!
put in the mech assault game and install the softmod and then your desired dashboard.if you don't have any of the save files you may need to try to ftp them across to the right bit(i dont know where)
ya, i know how to get to the run linux menu from loading that profile from mechassault, but see, my friend deleted my linux game save off of my original hdd. so i cant load the profile while on the mechassault game. that leaving me in the point where i cant reinstall any of the dashboards...(evoX or unleashX)...and i just want to know is there anyway to transfer the mechassault run linux file that i take from my comp to my xbox vie memory card, without actually being in the dash board.......IM SIMPLE WORDS, I JUST NEED TO REGAIN MY ORIGINAL DASHBOARD, AND I DONT KNOW HOW!