I read up on both, and from what ive heard they are close. One thing Ive noticed though is that Ive heard about more slow down in games on m3 simply if u dont buy the right or a legit memory stick. The r4 however, ive heard of 0 slow down. I need some opinions plz..
The M3 and R4 are identical, they both will suffer from the same slow-down if using a crap card. The M3 just gets more attention, therefore more reports of problems when things go wrong. The only main differences are: R4 gets updates about 1-2 days before the M3 R4 case is white, M3 is black/grey If you are really having troubles choosing, get a picture of each device on your screen and randomly point at one, then buy it
None of these stand alone can play GBA roms, is there anything I must buy in addition to be able to do so?
You could buy an M3 Lite/Mini Perfect (Lite or Mini depends on lite/original ds) Or an EZFlash 3-1, though I am not 100% sure how this works yet (i want to buy one but money issues prevent me -.- )
Make sure it's a perfect though, NOT a pro as a pro will play next to no GBA games, therefore defeating the purpose.
Thanks guys im going with the R4 but im still torn on where to buy from. I went to the buyers guide but... I just want a reply to anyone who ordered from a website with really fast shipping, or sdecent shipping options for the r4. I prefer and r4 bundle with 1 gb kingston. any help?
dealextreme.com r4 + 1 gig fast kingston microsd for 44 dollars. U cant beat the price, its worked perfectly for me so far, i love it