hi my friend told me you helped her unlocked her phone, please help me do the same to my two cell phones. I would greatly appreciate it. Phone 1 Model: Nokia 6101b IMEI: 356642005410906 Type: RM 77 Network: Rogers Country Canada Phone2 Model: Nokia 6020b IMEI : 355372001618028 Country: Canada Network: Fido Thank you in advance.
hey did u know that rogers and fido are BOTH dogs names? lol a bit of humor there...lol post it at ww.unlocknokia.us and someone there WILL HELP U and also since u already posted it here just have a bit of patience and someone will help u canaidan networks are kinda tricky that's y i'm reffering u to www.unlocknokia.us go there post it and u will get help skylinegt
really? I didn't know that, thanks for the info, but can you help me with my phone please...i did try to go to the web site you gave me and i cannot access it, dont know why? please help me i really need my phone get unlocked, im travelling to asia this month....
hey if u wana hear somethin funny i HAD a dog named rogers....and the guy who lived next door name was also rogers...it was funny every time i went over there cause my dog came with me....and sometimes it was funny cause when i said rogers...they BOTH responded...lol here is the direct address from my browser http://www.unlocknokia.us/ start to copy from the http part - copy the whole address- and paste inside your browser address bar. if youre still not getting through try a different browser if u have more than one on your machine or easiest thing to do use another pc and get to the site bet of luck skylinegt
also u will need to create an account there( register) in order to post and please a donation is really needed to hlp pay webhosting fees we ask for only $5 american currency that will be enough , if every forummember of that website donate that amount then we wont have to shut down www.unlocknokia.us best of luck, skylinegt