Its me again guys. A very strange thing happened to my computer today. I opened my account and there I saw 2 icons of Webroot Spy Sweeper. Of course I was kinda confused cuz normally it should only show one icon. So since I was curious and confused, I opened the other identical icon and when I try to close the window, it doesn't! It sort of like stuck right now on my desktop. Rather than that, my computer is working properly. I can use internet,word, etc... So what I'm trying to say is, is there a way that this thing can be fixed? It is really irrating and on top of that, other accounts (Bro and Sis) were affected. Like when they open their account the window of spy sweeper can't be close. It is stuck on their desktop as well I hope you guys could help me
By the way, I'll show you a picture of it.. This is my dad's account so the desktop pic is kinda oldy. lol And oh, when I opened the task manager to close it something popped out. An error message. See it for yourself, here's the link
that looks like the newest update to spy sweeper. i just updated mine the other day. it didn't just show up on the desktop though,don't know why it would've done that. mine just showed up as a program update when i opened spysweeper. i had to download and install it though. take caution in this update though, since i've updated my computer won't shut down! i have to hold the on/off button in to get my computer to shut down. if i try to shut it down by going to start and then shut down it just keeps restarting by itself.