Discussion in 'All other topics' started by shivera, Oct 12, 2003.

  1. shivera

    shivera Guest

    I took my computer to a repair shop and they fixed some stuff. Some of the problems I had complained about they said it didn't do. Now that I have it back there is still some problems. I was wondering if anybody knew how to fix them.
    1. Sometimes when I turn it on or restart it freezes. Sometimes it comes on though.
    2.When I got it back they fixed the color problems. They had a 15in. screen. I have a 17in. screen. There was black bar on the side of the screen. I used the comtrols and moved it around a bit. The bar is gone, but now some of the top and bottom and sides are cut off.
    3.I tried Unreal Tournament 2003 on it. It only has a 400mhz processor and 128RAM. The game was kinda blocky and fuzzy. Is it the graphics or do I need to download somthing like DirectX 9?

    Please someone help me!

  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    That could be anything dude

    Um.... just use those controls again and resize the screen dude.

    COnsider yourself lucky u can load the game. No you dont need DX9 (i think the requirements are for DX8.1b) Nothing is wrong with the game, its your computer.
  3. shivera

    shivera Guest


    My computer fixed the screen itself. So that is done with. I really need the computer to stop the freezing when I turn it on and restart it. Only 50% of the time it freezes when I restart it. It freezes 90% of the time when I turn it on. If I press and hold DEL it while unfreeze and turn on. Also I learned that DAP was adaware recently and so I learned that star downloader was the alternative for it. But whenever I download somthing on IE it uses its downloader. The same with all my browsers. It uses the default. How do I get stardownloader to download it so it goes faster. I was thinking a BIOS error fixer for my old computer. Also I want to switch to linux because of all the faults of the windows and the constant worms,viruses,and hackers. I dont wanna format my harddrive because of all the drivers and programs I would haft to load. Is there a way to like install linux and unistall windows xp and 98 without formating?

  4. allanvon

    allanvon Guest

    sorry man but you are BONED, windows uses a fat16, fat32, or NTFS file system, linux uses something totally different, your best bet is to get a burner and copy all of your stuff to CD, then format, and you might want to make sure that Linux will support all the programs you want to run, Linux will not run everything. face it, for now microsoft is king....for now, Linux is almost there, and to your first "issue" with it freezing, it most likely is a 3rd party program that is trying to load, or end, and is hanging, that has ALWAYS been an issue with windows.

    Good Luck.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2003
  5. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Have you checked for corrupted memory? (hehe it happened to me once)
  6. shivera

    shivera Guest


    how do I back up my computer so all the drivers and stuff is loaded on my formtatted hard drive?
    how do I stop the third party things?
  7. allanvon

    allanvon Guest

    what OS are you running? if it's windows 98, or 2000, you have to do a regedit, not fun if you don't know what you are doing, if it's windows ME, or XP, then you can to ->Start->run and type "msconfig" and on the windows that opens go to the "start up" tab, and there will be a list of all programs that start with the system and these programs are always running in the background, and couse windows to choke, as for drivers it's best if you have a CD burner, download all the drivers you need to one folder and burn it to a CD.
    i hope i helped more than hurt,

    good luck.
  8. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I suggest Norton Ghost or Powerquest Drive Image

    I suspect that isnt an issue for you. Dont stress it (yet).

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