this does not happen very often (about twice) but sometimes when playing a legit game with my mod chip switched off the game freezes and the xbox makes a buzzing noise, so far this has only happened when playing 'ust cause' i have not tried other games yet. i have not yet tried playing a legit game with my chip on so i only know that is sometimes happens while playing a game. When it des this i restart my box and it seems to be fine. pls help. thanks
That's an odd problem you've got there. It isn't overheating is it? Oh, and try it with the chip enabled. It's not like playing originals with the chip will hurt anything. If I were you, I'd just leave the chip enabled unless you plan on using XBL.
no i don't think it is overheating, i have have tried it with the chip enabled and it does freeze but without the buzzing noise, i think it may be from overuse, my bro recently got a new game and has been playing it alot, i will try with other games and see what happens. when i play a game from the hdd everything is fine. thanks, i will see what happens.
So it only does it with discs? Try cleaning the lens with one of those cleaner discs and see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't, you may have to just open up the disc drive and manually clean off the lens and mirror.