I have made my movie on Pinnacle and now put into mpeg formnat using the mpeg formatter programme. I then use DVD LAB PRO to comppile and burn and at the stage of buring my dvd drive doesnt recognise the media inside. I get a sign saying pleaase insert readable media ? Can anyone help me ? Im using Maxell DVD+R 120MIN 4.7GB blank dvds Tom
try using a dvd-r or try using a different disk. the disk might be scratched or make sure that the program can read that disk. hope that helps.
ALRITE i have now downloaded unleaded dvd workshop 2. I have also been a fool and payed for a licence on covert x to dvd which doesnt work. My project is ready and in mpeg format yet it will not transfer to dvd when trying. i HAVE TRIED my different programms and it just says disc not ready or unreadable. The disc is not scratched i have a brand new tub of 100 dvd+r !!!! Any suggestions Tom
My movie is now ready. Im viewing it in Pinnacle (playing ) and a big exclamation mark appears in the play screen. What is wrong ? What do i do to fix ? I thought Pinnacle was ment to be a highly rated piece of editing software Somebody please reply