Hi I need to RESET the motherboard AMD athlon(tm) XP 2400 2.00 GHz,256 MB . Can any one knows about it? Regard
Kind of unclear. Do you want to reset BIOS? you'll need to look in manual for which jumper to switch, every motherboard is different. Reformat computer? you'll need your windows disc and change boot sequence to read CD drive first.
the jumper is usually next to the cmos battery, but to make sure go to the Manufacturers site and see if they have an online manual, and if you cant find it you can remove the cmos battery few a few seconds then replace it (with the power off)
dont worry about the jumpers thats another way of doing it as i said just take out the cmos battery out for a min that will reset the bios back to the fatory setting
I did befor. you know why I have to rest the motherbord.because somthing wrong with COM port. I dont know what's happen,always I used the COM port to download the program to my tuner by numodum cabeland thas work very good but one time dosent work ,my nulmodem cabel is good en loader program is good and nothing wrong with tuner because when i uesd them with other pc and then they work very good. on bios en windos everything stay as befor about COM port, thats why I try to reste motherbord
well i think it nothing to do with the bios i think u shoud install the motherboard driver again but get the latest ones of there site