HELP : mpeg encoding slowing down

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by spook73, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. spook73

    spook73 Guest

    Can anybody please help me. I have been converting AVI files and creating my own DVD's for some time now but over the last Month I have noticed a problem with the converting. A 20 minute AVI file would usually take around 45 mins to convert to MPEG-2 using TMPGEnc 4.0 xpress but now it takes around 1h 20 mins to convert. I thought it was just TMPGenc but I get the same results with TMPGEnc 2.5 and Mainconcept as well. It also used to take 50-1h20 mins to convert a full movie with DivxtoDVD but now it takes around 2h-2h30 mins. I have left all settings exactly the same as they originally were. Once I start the conversion it starts fine and then after 1-2 mins it starts to slow down. Everything else runs perfectly fine on my computer, it just seems to be video converters. I have recently re-formatted my computer but it is doing the exact same thing.
    My computer is an Intel P4 3.0Ghz, 1GB Ram and 400GB HDD.
    If anybody can help me solve this it will be very much appreciated.
  2. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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  3. spook73

    spook73 Guest

    Yes it is still on but how will that affect the video converting programs.
  4. davexnet

    davexnet Active member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Well it could; if DMA is off, more CPU is used to access the HD data.

    It sounds like to me that something is possibly stealing your cpu
    cycles. Anything running in the background ?
  5. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Do you have an anti virus/spyware/adware program?
  6. spook73

    spook73 Guest

    I have PC-Cillin running and I use Ad-Aware, but I have always used these programs and they have never caused a problem before. The programs I have on my computer are: PC-Cillin, Ad-Aware 2007, Nero 7 Ultra Edition, DivxToDVD, TMPGEnc 2.5, TMPGEnc 4.0 Xpress, DVD-Lab, Spruce-Up, DVD Decrypter and VLC Media Player. I also have Media Player 10, Divx 5.21 and XP Codec pack 1.2.4. The only things that I have upgraded are Ad-Aware from SP to 2007 and Nero 6 to Nero 7.
  7. varnull

    varnull Guest

    All that has been upgraded is the bloatware nero to 7.. Nero 7 is a real bad resource hog..

    Have you even thought of trying a different dvd authoring application?
  8. spook73

    spook73 Guest

    I am having no problems with the DVD Authoring software, it is the converting software (TMPGEnc, DivxToDvd, Mainconcept) that are all going far to slow (5h30mins to convert a 1h20mins film). I have just ran TMPGEnc 4.0 xpress on my PC and on my girlfriends PC (her PC is an Intel 2.8Ghz with 512MB Ram). I converted an episode of American Dad on both PC's with exactly the same settings, hers took 31 mins, mine took 52 mins. I am beginning to think that my CPU is on it's way out and that it would be easier to just replace it.
  9. davexnet

    davexnet Active member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Download and run cpu-z while the encode is executing.
    Check out the cpu/bus speed/multiplier etc,etc.

    Then download aida32:

    and look at computer/sensor to see the cpu temps.

    Sometimes, cpu will throttle back if it gets too hot.
  10. spook73

    spook73 Guest

    When running any converting software the CPU clock speed would change from 2048Mhz to 3002Mhz and the multiplier would change from x12 to x15. The CPU temperature stayed at around 58c.
    I formatted my PC and re-installed Windows XP, put all the Drivers back on and then only one program on (TMPGEnc 4.0 xpress) and it still slowed down. I have finally fixed the problem by buying another CPU.
    Thanks for all your help anyway.

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