help, my missus has just got a DS Lite !!!!

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by timmytoad, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. timmytoad

    timmytoad Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Against my fatherly advice, my missus got herself a Nintendo DS Lite this afternoon, it was about £97 !!!, bloody good job she paid for it with her money.

    The main trouble is she didnt get a Game or anything else to plug into it !, i guess they cost about £20 each, Brain Training is one she has in mind.

    It looks as if it takes a pre-programmed memory card of the type that i have in my Camera/Phone, are they called "SD" type ?. i have a spare 32mb capacity SD card when i upgraded the memory on my phone, i assume the pre-programmed games are 1 gig capacity or more.

    The instruction book isnt any help at all. it looks as if i shall have to buy her a brain game or similar, but i know she will soon get fed up with it. I bet she will.

  2. NDarkness

    NDarkness Regular member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    Your post is a little confusing. Did she get the new DSi which has a camera on the back? The regular DS Lite does not have an SD card slot.
  3. timmytoad

    timmytoad Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    I wasnt very clear was I eh, thats the trouble when youre a newbie, LOL.

    I have now found out a little more about what i was trying to say !.

    It is just a standard DS Lite, it has two slots in it, i dont fully understand what the book is trying to tell me about what to put in these slots.

    But i am sending the wife out today to get one "proper" game to simply plug in it, which should keep her quiet for a while while i find what else to do with it, such as :- i have found while looking for games on Ebay that "R4" crops up quite a lot, so i will try an find out more about that before i spend anymore hard earned cash.

    I remember when i first got a Sinclair Spectrum way back in 1973 i was completely stuck in knowing what to do with it, i placed an advert in a relevant magazine simply asking for help, i only needed one reply, which i got and i was quickly clued up with it and have stayed friends with him ever since.

    So what do you know about this R4 gadget ?, i still have a lot to learn.

  4. NDarkness

    NDarkness Regular member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    A lot of people will just tell you to do your research but I'll help you out. It will require some reading. ;)

    Look through this thread for basic knowledge of how a flash card for the DS works-

    In a nutshell, the flash cartridge is an empty case. You will need to insert a microSD card onto the case for it to work. Like an empty head that needs a brain. Now on this microSD card you insert .nds files which are the Nintendo DS games. Then it's as simple as booting up the DS and selecting the game you want to play.

    Now a lot of people will say to forget about the R4 that it's a thing of the past. I agree with these statements being an R4 owner myself. There are much better cards out there such as the M3 Real.

    If you still want to go with the R4 then you will want a genuine R4 card. If you get a clone then it will be more trouble than it's worth. So this is another reason why people suggest other cards.

    If you want to see reviews of all of the different flash cards then go to this link-

    Like I said this will require reading and researching lol.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2009
  5. timmytoad

    timmytoad Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    thanks for that pal, extremely helpfull, i am very gratefull for you taking the trouble to explain it and finding me some stuff to research.


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