Hi can someone please help me, my pc was working fine today in the morning but all of a sudden it just restarts by its self just before i get to the desktop, i have tryed going into safe mode but that restarts by itself aswell, by the way i am on another pc reporting this problem, if anyone can help i will be very very grateful, i think it is a virus in the boot sectors but how can i remove this without re-installing windows and can i boot up my pc to the desktop, successfully, and then run a virus scan or spyware scan. please help me...
Please Download HJT http://koti.mbnet.fi/pattaya1/lataus/hijackthis_self.exe Unzip to C:\HJT-> Press Ok and Close window Make sure that you actually extract HijackThis to its own folder: C:\HJT. Open Hijackthis Click Do a system scan and save log file Copy and paste the contents of the HijackThis log into your post.