I've had my computer for more than a year noe and everythings been fine, but for some reason, the computer keeps on freezing when I am doing certain things. 1. when watching YouTube 2. when playing games (World of Warcraft, Half life 2, etc) 3. randomly I dont really know why, but when it freezes, I can only restart and the same thing happens after that. If anyone could help me, that would be great, but please help me as fast as you can, because this problem has been going on since the middle of summer. Also, I've run countless virus scans with AVG Free.
An OS that freezes that often...is usually one of three major things from the start. Heat. Bad system drivers. Virus. Check your system temperatures with a program called SpeedFan. Watch them carefully. You could also do this with Motherboard Monitor and Sisoft Sandra. Open the side of the case and check for any system fans that are not running, running poorly..or are caked with dust. Clean them out with compressed air...that goes for the video card as well. If your system stays running with the side of the case open...you have a bad air flow problem as well. Make sure you have the latest (stable) version of all system drivers including video, sound, chipset and DirectX. Run a virus scan as well as ad/spyware scans.
I had the same problem a few months back, and as Morph stated, it was a heat issue. I was using the cpu fan that came with the CPU and turns out it was pretty crappy. I picked up a new fan at BB for $20 and my CPU temp dropped in half. Problem solved.
well....it crashed again (oct, 09, 06) 11:25AM Temp: 42C Side case opened ram shouldnt be faulty...coz ive had it for soo long have new DirectX and Forceware drivers ran countless adware/spyware/virus scans and schedualed one every day @ 3:00 am crashed when I was on MSN listening to iTunes
Exactly! When RAM is used for a long time, it wears out (like a harddisk), and develops errors. Try testing your RAM with one of those free memory testers (like Memtest)
no dice. I first scanned for overnight and during school (about 11:45PM (Oct 09) till 4:30PM (Oct 10)), but there were no errors. So I have only to think that it might be a Virus, that hides from my AVG Free...Anyone have anyother solutions or a program that can find those hidden viruises.
Im sorry to keep on bugging eneryone...but now I'm starting to freeze WAY more often now. The only thing that doesnt freeze is when I'm playin g a game (World of Warcraft). If this might be a virus...Like I said before, it would be great if someone could recommend a better free anti-virus program than AVG Free. And no, the CPU is at norm temp, Ram has no errors, Viruses and Spyware/Adware are all gone and scanned for.
Almost all antivirus programs have trial versions. Why don't you download one of them and scan your PC?
I hate to say this and it IS taking the easy way out but, after all this time I would personally give up the ghost and reload. Just my personal opinion but it sounds like you have tried everything else and all your HW is good. It may be just one of those windows thins.
1st Question: I do have Norton Ghost on my PC, should I use that to scan for the Ghost virus (If there ends up being one)? 2nd Question: How do you reload? 3rd Question: Can I get my prog's back after I reload? (Without having to re-download/install them). 4th Question: Whats HW?
NEW UPDATE! Now it makes my computer screen go black then come back on with nothing done to it. But it still freezes. Why does G-d hate me...Why does my Computer hate me...Why does Bill Gates hate me!
If bill gates hates anyone, it's all his users, not just you. Norton ghost is not an antivirus, it's just something like system restore. Reload means format and reinstall Unless you have the setup files, No HW=Hardware
Hard ware is your problem. Take it to your nearest computer store. Its probably the best, If RAM and Cooling arent your prob.
think I might've found the problem. I was looking in startup in msconfig and found: C:/Program Files/mail.com/mcalert.exe-auto im going to take it off startoff and hopefully no more freezing... I'll post the results.
It looks like that has something to do with mail.com... You can check for stuff like Star Force. I think a format and reinstall of Windows XP is the way to go. Make sure you have your XP key and a windows installation disc. You can get your XP key using a windows key finder like magic jelly bean; http://www.magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder.shtml Before installing Windows, disconnect or turn off your modem. Then install windows followed by your Antivirus and firewall. Then you can connect to the internet and immediately go for updates on your AV and firewall. If the problem persists, it is a hardware issue (depending on your PC, it may be worth it to just get a new one if this is the case). If the problem stops and starts again after you install something, then check for Star Force or some other PC game malware, or sometime it can be that you have conflicting software.
Well, I did bring my compo into ADDAX for a hardware check. They said no, so I probably will format and reinstall windows. I'll start it when I find the key and the disk.
computer store where I bought my compo from. BTW should I just repair my comp. Or just do a full format. but theres a chance that it might freeze during format maybe I'll bring it to the store again and get them to format it for free today. Then I'll just bring it home and install XP again.