HELP okay i stoped my halo 2 disc with a butter nife [first time] and i didnt like now what to do next so i hit the eject button and it didnt come out so i got the tray out a litle bet with butter nife then i messd with it got it the rest of the way out and then i had to put back on that tray open and close belt thing [its like a little black rubber band] and it opens and closes pretty good but on my modded[my xbox is modded] dash its says it always open it doesnt play games because the xbox thinks the trays open and it kind of opens and closes by itself kind of but if i press the eject buttton 3 times in a row it says closing for a second then gos back to open ..when i turn it off and back on and like hold the game in the tray and wait tell it gets to modded dash it says empty for a second then gos back to open please HELP
hey sounds like u broke a button that tells the drive its closed unless u know how to fix this ur going to need a new drive i have a few i could send u if ur in uk p.m me if u want if ur in us pm me and i'll send u a like to a site where u can get 1. hope this helped JSM
All i can say is u messed up your xbox and get new one and just mod it again.(sorry couldnt help you much but I dont know much about that i just mod). But for future advice when it gets stuck dont stick a butter knife in it, no offense.
i fixed it... the problem was that the drive wasnt comeing up high enough so disk wasnt spining or reading
ok good 4 you dude thanks for letting us know n at least u know not to use a knife next time lol have fun playing lol