help neded for x3 bios

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by lokidimo, May 13, 2005.

  1. lokidimo

    lokidimo Guest

    xbox guru..please help me.

    I just installed Xecuter 3 CE in my xbox and now I have no idea where to go from here.
    I am a newbie regarding xbox. The installation was a success, but every time I power on the xbox, all I see the a screen that displays the current flash bios 3.01. I see a couple of options on the screen.. such as lock.unlock HD....etc.

    I have a version 1.6 xbox. How do I go about backing up my xbox games and getting it to play on my xbox.

    Am I missing something here? Please any help or advice would be greatly appreciative.I dont know how to make x box to read the bios which i download from x bins to my pc .I follow full instractions from team xecuter what to to but how they discrabet it just dont work fo my x box...can any one give me full detals step by step what shud i do please guys...
  2. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    you need to obtain the x3 bios and flash your around these forums there are lots of threads on how to go about getting your hands on the bios...there are also many flashing tutorials on here as well.
  3. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Check around this site for the X3 3108 bios, Or else you can go through MIRC to get the bios, here is a tutorial on how to do this,

    Since you have a version 1.6 Xbox, you will need to use the bios titled "X3 3108 v16plus.bin" Here is a guide on how to flash your chip via http:

    So here is what you need to do...

    1) Flash your X3 chip with the X3 3108 v16plus.bin
    2) Load a dashboard on (I would suggest the Evolution X dashboard)

    Find your dashboard on the site above as well.

    Check out this site as it will help you with some of the questions you may have,
  4. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    I just noticed that you double posted this Q lokidimo

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