help needed - error code 21 with HD upgrade

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by stephpar, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. stephpar

    stephpar Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    Hi there...

    Total newb but please be patient as i've read a ton of tutorials trying to avoid needing to post and bother folks.

    Anyhow, here's where i'm at. I have TSOP version 1.0 xbox of which i am trying to upgrade with my 80g PC HD . I have looked this drive up (WD) and confirmed it it unlockable. I put the new drive in and tried to boot with the Auto-Installer Deluxe 1.0 but got the error code 21 screen. The screen is a hacked version (by Superfro?) I have no idea what bios was flashed when i got it. Looking at the settings in the old drive before (in evoxdash), it said 'bios unknown'. The xbox logo flash screen says xecuter2 on it when it boots.

    Anyhow, that's where i'm at. I assumed since i made sure the AID disc could boot on the old drive that it would without a hitch on the new drive. NO such luck and instead this error code (21) with this hacked screen.

    What do I do to get this 80g drive going? I presume that maybe i can plug it in to my computer and prep it manually versus the AID disc then plug it back in, but why the error 21? Could there be something wrong with the TSOP flash or version i have that will prevent a new HD?

    Any help here *greatly* appreciated. I hope that I have chosen the correct forum here to post this request. Thanks again.

  2. punqewe

    punqewe Active member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    what mod do you have? If you can try getting an autoloader like slayers or firefucker,and burn it to dvd or something. Then boot right to the disk with the new drive in the machine. If it boots to the disk,it might let you format the also might have to nuke the thing before you throw it in the box. I only had to do that once,but it might be an option. Either way try putting the disk in and turning off the machine and do a cold boot to the disk....the disks menu should come up.
  3. sjchu

    sjchu Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    I got error 21 last weekend after loading Slayer's 2.5 onto my hdd. How did I fix it? I downgraded the msdash that the Slayer installed onto my hdd to 5659 and it worked. The other way around is remove evoxdash.xbe and evox.ini from your C drive. However, I still have a xbox with error 21 that I cannot figure out why. The hdd worked perfectly fine with other motherboard, but error 21 with this particular one. I have X2 4983.06 on my X2.6CE.

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