Hello All Your help would be appreciated with the following Over the weekend its looks like my little sister has been using my computer and as a present given it a Trojan, now normally AVG or adware gets rid of it for me, however this time it does not I know exactly where it is, so i went into Safemode and found the file and deleted it, hopeing that it was now killed i logged on as normal dam its still bloody there. AVG does say its moved it to the Virus vault to every time a log onto Firefox the trojan Advertisement appears so its not dead The file is hiding away on my c: in the desktop and its called install.exe or tr2/install.exe Please could someone help me and give me a simple guide on what to do as i am not that technically minded , also i would prefer to use fee programs to get rid of it! Please help Regards
Hi Cully. If you still require help can you download HijackThis from here: http://downloads.malwareremoval.com/HijackThis.exe Run the program. Do a System Scan and save the Log File. Copy/paste the contents of the log file in your reply please. Thanks.