help needed re:mp3

Discussion in 'Audio' started by treeze, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. treeze

    treeze Member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Hi, I have a problem that I can't find the answer to. A friend of mine made me a disc in mp3 format with 142 songs on it. One song doesn't play. It has a title but the track length is 00:00. My friend says that there is a file hidden there. I have tried opening it in various programs but in media players it won't open and in word, notepad etc I just get pages of symbols. A clue is that it is something to do with finalisation and he also mentionned multisessions. I know roughly what these are, but I don't understand how they relate to opening the file. I have tried researching this on the web but have had very little luck. If anyone has any ideas that they think might help i would greatly appreciate it as I'm desperate to know what is there. thanks x
  2. Biosgain

    Biosgain Guest

    Is it the first song?
  3. treeze

    treeze Member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Nope- its about 10 from the end. The disc is in alphabetcial order and this track begins with 'T'. I checked the dates of when the songs were put on the disc. Some were added before it and some were added after; I take it that this makes it multisession. (By the way, I trust that there is something there and that my friend isn't messing me around.)
  4. shiroh

    shiroh Guest

    check the file if there is an data there, i mean check the propertise of the file and check the size of it. if it said 0MB then it is not written.

    it could be a coaster. or it could be as you said a finalisation error. it take the space for the file...?

    if i'm desperate enough i'll use a hexeditor and see what i can salvage.
    or you can ask for another copy. cd = dirt. right ? ;)
    or get the track.....

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