help needed with conversion problem

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by parryhand, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. parryhand

    parryhand Member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    hi there
    my aim is too convert a divx 700mb film into a mpeg 2 (svcd) format to burn onto a dvd so i can get 3 movies onto one dvd .
    Ive loaded the film in tmpgenc and set the encoding so as i have achieved a 1.37gb mpg file which has come out with excellent picture quality but no sound at all.Could anyone please explain why this may have happened.
    Is there any way i can now extract the audio from the original avi and add it to the mpg file i now have and finish putting it on a dvd ?
    The origial avi audio info, using gspot says,
    ac3 (0x2000) Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
    448 kb/s (6 ch) CBR
    48000 Hz
    I also notice to put this on a dvd it needs to be 48000 Hz anyway.
    What is the best way of carrying on from here with what ive already got ? AND is there a better way of achieving my original aim ?

    cheers steve
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    To extract the audio:

    1) open the AVI with VirtualDubMod.
    Stream__Stream List__Demux. It will demux movie_audio.AC3 on your PC's HD.

    TMPGenc wasn't able to encode the AVIs audio because it was AC3. In the future, keep in mind that it exists an AC3 plugin for TMPGenc Xpress by Pegasys, if interested (
    Now yo'll have to encode the AC3 by yourself. I propose the easiest to use (and free) application: HeadAC3he (

    2) Run HeadAC3he. Choose MP2 and check the box 'resample to 44.1 kHz' [(S)VCD are 44.1 kHz, DVD in 48 kHz]

    3) Multiplex the video to the audio, choosing the 'mute' movie as video input and the MP2 as audio input. Choose in 'type' MPEG-2 SVCD.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2006
  3. parryhand

    parryhand Member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    thanks for the reply i will try all that now .
    Seeing as i will be converting it back to 48khz when i put it on a dvd , is there no way or a better way of doing what i am trying to do and preferably keeping the 5.1 sound ?
    The reason why im converting it to 1.37 in svcd mode is that i cant really see the point in wasting a whole dvd when the quality in svcd is pretty much the same ?
    Just realised ive got the express version and plugin ,but not got round too looking at it yet.I take it that would have done what i wanted ?
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2006

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