Help - No discs read after swaptrick

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by peteincam, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. peteincam

    peteincam Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    So I got my Viper chip installed and flashed - no problem. I can still boot originals using the 'original bios' option and I updated to bios version 0.4 via the disk explorer option in the Cobra bios 0.3, so no problem in reading the data on the disc. That, unfortunately, is where the good news ends. I finally backed up an image to a mini-dvd and tried booting it with the 'swaptrick'; all this gave me was a screen which said the disc was not recognised. I did however manage to read the disc using the disk explorer; so there's not a problem with the media I'm using (memorex) or the way I'm writing the isos. I then tried the swaptrick without swapping the discs (i.e. just keep an original in there) and the same message appeared. This begs the question: Is my Viper chip compatible with my Gamecube? I have PAL version 1 gamecube with drive version 61 (according to Cobra). The last .nfo with the bios said that a region issue had been fixed for PAL systems, I don't know if this is related at all. Any help will be appreciated; especially someone who knows how to get into contact with the guys at Mentalcube who write the Cobra bios.
  2. KaitouAce

    KaitouAce Member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    hey i don't know if this will help but i had the same problem on my ntsc cube. i tweaked the laser to fix it. mine was originally set to about 530 Ohms and i took it down to about 190 and it worked with most all media, except i still have trouble playing games off of prodisc03s.

    anyway, try tweaking to the 180-190 range, ok?

    good luck.
  3. grmbl

    grmbl Regular member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    I'm having this problem too, but very rarely. I also use memorex and PSO1&2 as bootdisc. I find it very handy to adjust the lid detection overide configuration (pfiew) in the Viper the lid can stay open for swapping discs. Even when he's assembled. I didn't do the lasertweak and I'm having minor DRE problems.(don't believe in it) I wrote my images at 2x in Nero. My cube is also a PAL revision A&B.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2005
  4. peteincam

    peteincam Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    Ok, so I tried the laser tweak; initially my pot was set to 187, I tried varying it to different values from 165 to 220, none of them made any difference so I put it back to 180. I then checked to see if it was a bad image by burning another one but keeping the file extension as .gcm rather than .iso. Strangely this made loading process go one step further; I now see the red Nintendo logo of the game before the disc stops spinning and the 'disc could not be read, error message is seen, this time written in the font of the game. So I decided to use an image of a game which I knew would work, I had been using 'Zelda four swords', so I burnt a copy of 'Super puzzle bobble all stars' which worked on an emulater on my computer. This gave a certain amount of success; the game would load but only if I used an original copy of 'Smash brothers' and only about once in every five attempts. Also the game would cut out and experience a disc reading error when switching from one mode of play to another, something that never happened in the emulator. So now theonly question left to me is: when does the new bios come out? Hopefully this will solve some of my problems
  5. phoenixau

    phoenixau Member

    Oct 19, 2004
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    Hi if i was you i would go and Buy a normal size tdk dvd-r and burn that i can burn them at 8X and they work. That way you will know if ur burns work,i didnt even tweak my laser!

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