Help! None of my PC games will load!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by rubix, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. rubix

    rubix Guest

    Hey, I have just started buying and playing PC games (I usually play ps2 games and not PC) and when I try to run games, like Madden NFL 2003 and Hitman 2, the loading screen comes up and then when it finishes loading, the game just terminates and I am back at the desktop. I am running Windows XP and all my games are legit store bought games. Does anybody know why it does this and what I can do to fix it.
  2. rubix

    rubix Guest

  3. DMW

    DMW Regular member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    Hi Rubix, Have you updated all your drivers? Windows updates, grasphics drivers, sound drivers and motherboard chipset drivers. It may help you out.
    Hope you get sorted.
  4. premier99

    premier99 Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    I had a similar problem, check you virtual memory settings my system was having a hard time playing games because its was trying to run on just virtual memory. if your system has enough memory just turn off the virtual memory if not just lower it since i turned mine off my system runs alot smoother
  5. rubix

    rubix Guest

    Hey guys, thanx for the responses. All my drivers are up to date. My problem does have something to do with my memory. I know my system has plenty of memory for the games. How exactly do you turn off your Virtual memory. I think it's somewhere under the systems Advanced tab. Thanx again:)
  6. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    You might also want to check your event log to see if it gives a clue why the games are terminating. Go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Event Viewer and look at the application and system logs.
  7. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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  8. PunkEmo18

    PunkEmo18 Member

    Feb 26, 2004
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    Ok download a demo online. install if it installs and plays then i think there is somthing wrong with your cd or dvd drive. I once has a cdrom drive that pull the same crap. My friend said it might have been installing the game half as and your computer might be deleting for unsure reasons or not running it due to some info lost from the cdrom to the computer.. YOu might need to by a new cdrom. but like i said download a demo of a newr game to test everything out. And oh yeah run a few virus scans on top of that
  9. rubix

    rubix Guest

    Ok I downloaded a demo of one of my games. It installs and plays fine. I have 3 different cd/dvd drives; one cd rom drive, one dvd rom drive, and one dvd+r/rw. I had originally installed the game using my cd rom drive so I uninstalled the game and reinstalled the game using my dvd rom drive. It still didn't work so I uninstalled it again and installed it using the dvd+r/rw drive; still didn't work. I know that not all three of my dvd/cd drives are broken (I have never had any problems with them)... maybe it does have something to do with my virtual memory. How exactly do you turn it off?
  10. premier99

    premier99 Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    ok go to start->control panel->system->advanced->performance-> settings->adevanced and then virtual memory settings either turn it down or off its up to you
  11. rubix

    rubix Guest

    Ok I figured out the problem. Shortly before I installed these games I had uninstalled a program called Multimedia Fusion which is a program that is used to make games. So I reinstalled Multimedia Fusion and the games worked. When I had uninstalled Multimedia Fusion it deleted some shared components which I needed in order to play the games.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2004
  12. premier99

    premier99 Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    congrats and happy gaming

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