My HDD stopped working the same like 9 months ago, so i sticked with the problem.So my HDD keeps making this clicking sound or kachoom sound its really loud when i'm playing, and everytime i try to save it while that sound is going on it freezes,and i'm really annoyed by this sound.Could anyone help me with this problem? My xbox is softmodded with an evox with a samsung dvd drive. Thanx
its actually a good thing you brought this problem up now, if i was you i would go and buy a 250gb hdd(there dirt cheap now). goto evox, and goto settings and press backup. now copy over your eeprom, C and E folders(assuming you ftp), and download a program called xboxhdm 1.9 and make yourself a new hdd, better now that you can still access the hdd, if it dies and you don't have the eeprom and such, your box is pretty much useless, until you get a hardmod, cheaper now and save money on the chip. hope this helps. and i forgot, your eeprom is usually located in a folder called backup_linux in your e:\ or stored in the dashboard folder(wherever it is located), and it is called eeprom.bin
oh ok thanx this is like the best method for my solution but since right now i'm tight on money and my parents don't want to buy me anything you think theres another solution?
unless you just ftp everything over and just wait for your hdd to die that way you are at least ready when your hdd dies
unless you just ftp everything over and just wait for your hdd to die that way you are at least ready when your hdd dies.
You could sell me your samsung drive and i will give you enough cash for a new hd and a thomson drive.
Yea id do it now before it stops working. because once the needle in the hd hits the disc then the hds trash. theres no way to get your stuff off.