i cant seem to be able to download anything off that website.... i tried to get wm10, whenever i click on the download button it says that page cannot be displayed!! it does this for everything i try to get off microsoft.com.. how do i solve this? it also wont even autopatch my halo combat evolved dammit. and yes my windows xp is legal
WHy do you want WMP10 when there is 11 out? http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/download/download.aspx I tried a few d/l's from them and everything is fine for me. Have you checked your firewall is not blocking it etc?
i was just giving an example, i just need to know how to fix it, how do i let my firewall allow it, i go to control panel then firewall, then what?
Well, go to Exceptions and then add Halo to the allowed list if it's not their already. As for not being able to download from MS's website, can you d/l from other sites OK?
yeah, i manually updated halo so now its fine. i am pretty sure i added microsoft already because when i turn the firewall off, i still get the page cannot be displayed...