Help playing backed up games!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by decus2002, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. decus2002

    decus2002 Guest

    I recently softmodded my XBOX, using the Splinter Cell way of doing it. I am able to FTP to the XBOX. I have already installed emulators and all that good crap. I am also able to rip games from the DVD drive and save them onto my laptops hard drive. I downloaded Qwix and created the ISO file. I tryed to burn it using Sonic Record Now with the disc being finalized and at a low speed. I used a Memorex DVD-R. When I tried to play I get the Unknown disc error. Anyone have any suggestions??? I used a guide I found on here but still no good, Ive tried mult. games, all the same.
  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I have never been a fan of Sonic Record Now program. Not saying that is your problem.

    Id suggest to download DVD Decrypter and write the ISO with that. Install DVD Decrypter then do the folowing:

    MODE/ISO/WRITE then choose the ISO as the source and burn.

    You can go to the link below and download it.

    If that dosent work then try diffrent media. Maybe your Xbox cant read from the media (brand/format - OR +) your using.

    If your using DVD+R media try to booktype it to DVD-ROM if your DVD burrner suports it. You can do this in DVD Decrypter after going to MODE/ISO/WRITE there will be a little book right of where the speed setting is click on that and choose what DVD burrner you have and change it to burn DVD+R as DVD-ROM

    Also keep the speed at 4x or below.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2005
  3. decus2002

    decus2002 Guest

    Thank you very much for the info. I already had DVD Decrypter on my laptop b/c I used it for backing up my DVD collection when Shrink failed. It was such a simple and easy fix!! Thanks for the post!
  4. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    No problem, glad it worked for you :)

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