im trying to play pro eveloution soccer 4 but the game runs well slow on my pc as if they are walking how can i make game run faster heres my com specs click cheers link
if you haven't put the hercules card in than put it in. also increase your ram to 512meg if using onboard video as your lost 64megs to onboard video leaving 192megs for windows
pro`noob, it's a p4 2.2ghz celeron which will play most games if he ups his ram from 256 to 512meg being he lost 64meg to onboard video if he keeps the onboard video
sorry to be a newsencsen but i dont have the motherboard user manual and i looked in help on windows but couldnt find anything about on board graphics so could any one help my com info is in link above at top of page sorry but im stuck at moment aint got clue how to get rid of on board graphics so i can install new graphics card
on the startup screen before it loads into windows, does it give you the option to go into the setup or something like that??
either disable onboard in the bios or there will be a small switch or jumper somewhere on the actual motherboard. Search the web for a manual for the board if you dont have one. But like ddp said you really need some extra ram, and onboard graphics are pretty much the worst choice for gaming. cheapest option would be probably a geforce fx5200 and another stick of ram. total cost about £50 and you will be able to play most games reasonably well then.
can u tell me what i have to do in the bios as i just went into the settings but didnt know what to select as there wasnt anything on onboard graphics to select
what version of windows u got on xp u go to device manger and under display adapters ur intergated graphics card should be there and after u install ur new they should both be there then just double click on it and disable it
my pc came with intregated graphics so i bought a new 128meg card and installed that then i uninstalled the old one like i told u
i cant help you with your bios as they are all different depending on your motherboard. you can try what ecknight says, that should work ok i think in most cases. don't forget to connect your monitor through the new graphics card and not through the onboard connection.
ok i know this is off the subject but how does people in here get to put pics in there messages at right hand side under there bnames if my post is in the wrong place please tell me where to post it cheers
ok just put in new graohics card and new hd hd i put in secondary slave and it says its there in the bios but when i look for it in my com and system devices it isnt listed any one know whats wrong cheers