help please new at this

Discussion in 'Audio' started by shta, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. shta

    shta Guest

    i have a mp4 digital player an i lend it to one of my friends an he accidently deleted every thing from off am trying to put my songs back onto an i keep getting thig message saying CANNOT CREATE OR REPLACE 50 CENT GET RICH OR DIE TRYING. THE DIRECTORY FILE CANNOT BE CREATED. i tried to put other songs onto it an it says the same thing for each 1 can some tell me what can i do to resovlve this problem.i do have my songs formated in mp3 format
  2. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Hey shta.

    If you want to get some help from the wise members here at aD, you need to try a few things.

    Try to present your problem in a better way, using capital letters, full stops, commas and just general punctuation and grammar. Because i found it really hard to read your post. Also spelling.

    You also need to give as much information as possible, regarding your situation, what has happened/what you want to happen, the product/software you are dealing with etc etc.

    For example, you need to give alot more detail about the Digital MP4 player you have. The make, the model, etc etc. So people can research and try and help you.

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