Vista - sufficient access rights ? i am the admin on my pc, im the only account on my vista ultimate 32 bit , i installed a new game fm 2008, i try to run it and it tell me i dont have sufficent access rights, (i am the admin). i cant see why i have tried run as administator. and many other options, its the only thing i cant access, can anyone help , thanks regards seat183 P.s I have tried everything . Please Help! Thanks in advance
Yeah thi scan be tricky little SOB of an OS. Go into MY COMPUTER and right click on C: drive. Go to properties, then go to security or sharing. When a box with a list of users comes up, you need to locate the computer name the OS gave it along with the user and edit it's permissions from there. Make sure you do an edit or advanced option button thingy I can't really check for you since I downgraded back to XP. But i did do extensive research during the first wave beta of Vista from Microsoft. Hope thus helps you a little
If that doesn't help, try disabling User Account Control. UAC = The cause of all restriction problems.