Hi, Need some help converting a xvid avi to (s)vcd. I have a avi file download which when I run through TMPG will freeze at the same point everytime. The preview stops but the process continues. When I play the file the video will fress and the audio continues. I have used divfix to re-build the index and cut out bad frames – no joy. I have decompressed the avi, the file freezes – no joy I have scanned with virtual dub and saved avi the file freezes – no joy I have used AVI2SVCD, guess what, - no joy. The process stops at the audio extraction. I have extracted the audio with virtual dub and re-encode with TMPG – no joy Is there anyway to repair this file or is it a lost cause Thanks. dlb.
Try avifixed?? before you do, make a backup copy of your divx file!! Now when it finishes, if it removed bad frames for you then it might make the playback look horrible but it will encode no problem, dont know why that is though!