Alright. I followed the guides, converted all the files to DVD format, made menus, etc. and compiled my dvd with DVD-lab. I had set it up so that each title beneath each clip of my 13 (24-25 min) episodes would open the selected episode. I have 2 menus: one has 7 episodes and the second one has 6 episodes on it. I followed all the instrucions and it worked fine in the simulation. Here are the problems: 1.The compiled dvd results in a blurry menu. selection button appears on the Menu for the episodes (even though it should), so I cannot select any episode or go to the other 6 episodes on the second menu. 3. My episodes that were each supposed to be separate on the dvd, seemed to be combined with each other. It looks like about 2 1/2 episodes resulted for each each little PowerDVD icon. Once one icon finishes showing 2 1/2 episodes, it is done. I have no idea what is going wrong. If anyone has any idea, please help. Thanks.
yes, the converted files are DVD compliant. The DVD-lab has created a compiled project, meaning I should be able to burn this project straight to the disc and it should therefore be able to play in my player. I tested the project, but the episode selection button doesn't appear. It worked in the DVD-lab simulation though, so I have no idea what's wrong.