Ok here goes, I was given a d-box 2 a while back but never used it, i just shoved it in the loft anyway i got it out to try my hand at flashing it. When i turned it on it was in debug on the lcd but said KEIN SYSTEM on the display so someone has flashed it wrong. I sort of know how to flash it but where do i get a flash file for uk cable for my d-box which is a sagem with 2 amd chips side by side inside
get a cross over network cable got o http://netwave.redirectme.net/dbox and select IFA from menu where in the UK are you ?
I don't know anyone m8. I have flashed all types of things before, xbox360, motherboards,dvd players and dvd drives. I was told i could use a ethernet cable as long as it runs through a switch or router but ifa does not start to flash it just throws errors at me or crashes.
I just flashed a Sagem 1x about 15 minutea ago hooked up the dBox with a cross over cable fired up IFA select network card and image then did a restart of the dBox by pressing the standby and up button behind front panel for 2 seconds (unplugging and plugging did not work) IFA started, flashed new image in 10 minutes, then I transferred the services and bouquet files over and "roberts your fathers brother" one dBox up and running...