i had soft mod already but then i think the drive switch into the E: drive and now it says i got an error 21 on my x box can anybody sent me a video on how to fix it tutorial or pics i need assistants quick please try asking people!!!!!!!!i still haven't waist my xbox live
well what i dont understand is whats the ide cable?what hdd the xbox or what?do i need to open my xbox?do i need a router well plese help i dont whant to run out of xbox live cuz i think my hdd from xbox lock or it switched to the E: drive cuz the dashboard doesnt appear i could cancell my x box live account and just put it back to normal.what if i cancell my xbox live account by calling the credit card company and tell them to cancell xbox live could that cancell it the point is im tryin to cancell xbox live and just have my xbox back to normal so i could get a xbox 360 so can i just call and cancell it tell me pls
Ok... if you don't know what an IDE cable is then maybe you shouldn't be playing around with modded xboxs!? Just a quiet word of advice! IDE cable is just a standard flat grey cable that connects HDD and CD\DVD roms to motherboards. But like I said, if you don't already know what this is then pulling apart your xbox and PC to get this to work and maybe play with your PC bios isn't going to be the smartest move!
ok but all i want to know is one thing what if i call the credit card i put xbox live and i tell them to cancell it will that take out xbox live no matter if i got an error 21 on my xbox cuz if it does after i take it out then i will fix my xbox..........so can i call and just cancell it?