Help!! Problem uninstalling Internet explorer 7!!!

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Pringless, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Pringless

    Pringless Member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    I tried internet explorer 7 beta 2 couple days ago
    but I decided to go back to IE6
    the computer won't let me install IE6 (it says I have a newer version IE7)
    so I go ahead and uninstall IE7
    after it go thru all the deleting files and several other steps, when it reached to the point "Updating Registry", the computer freezes there for 2 hours and still won't complete the uninstall
    I have no choice but to cancel the uninstall
    now IE7 won't load any pages besides homepage, and some other programs won't work
    how to completely remove IE7 and than reinstall IE6??
    My computer freezes everytime during "Updating Registry" if I try to uninstall it
  2. jziman

    jziman Guest

    Let me know if this is any help. But here is the part that caught my eye.

    Hangs During Uninstall--If the uninstall process hangs while removing Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2, delete any custom sound schemes created after installing the Internet Explorer 7 Beta and retry the uninstall.

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