i am a newbie , i use dvdlab pro to burn several movies to a single dvd, i use win avi converter to convert avi files to vcd then use dvdlab pro to compile a dvd , the problem is that when i convert it to vcd it becomes cinemascope and the quality of video also decreases, i want that video should play full screen, what should i do please help....
Well first off DVD-lab PRO is for advanced users. From your language/terms/grammar and lack of any real info it's obvious you need to do a bit of homework before attempting to use it. Most who use it are also way beyond the WinAVI or VCD stage.
then what should i do , which another simple software should i use to burn multiple movies to a single dvd...please help..
Again you provide no details. What are these 'movies', AVI, MPEGS, MKV, VCD? What are the running times? What software have you tried? For the most part this should work, keep your total running times below 3 hours. This program has been discussed/recommended hundreds of times on these forums. http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/