One of my young sons has a Nintendo DS with Action Replay DS. Recently we installed on our PC the Action Replay Code Manager (Version from a mini CD, but have had no success whatsoever with it. In fact my son now says that his codes have all vanished from his Action Replay DS. We are utterly clueless as to what has happened. Neither one of us understands what to do next. We tried opening the Action Replay Code Manager and dragging stuff from the SUBSCRIPTIONS window into the DS but we get weird messages about no memory or room remaining or some such thing. We also do not understand how to "subscribe" or what to put in the subscription window. There are no instructions (or if there were, they have vanished too!) Can anybody assist us with this situation which has become tedious and a bit desperate? Appreciate any help, thank you! JS
Use the first half of my guide to get the codes from the code manager. Has included links as well.
I appreciate the reply and link but it all looks greek to me. I mean we don't know what an R4 card is. I am a DS tech-moron (but not a total PC-moron!), don't know a thing about its firmware or anything. Can you enlighten us further even if only in summary? Thanks again. JS
Well im sure you dont have an r4 card, but i meant just to use the summary i wrote to getting the codes you want before you transfer them to the AR your son has Install the Code Manager. 1. Under Subscriptions right click Codejunkies US Games and select copy if you want all or just do this for games you want. 2. Under My Codelists right click and select paste. 3. Let it import the games into your codelist. 4. Once it has completed go this folder: C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists Im not sure exactly how you transfer it to the AR, perhaps you can enlighten as to what the manual says?
Ahhh, if ONLY we had ANY sort of manual for this stuff! We have nothing and I don't know if my son ever did. Thanks for your follow up post with additional guidance. I shall try to do something and report back with results. JS
Hooray, success! (I think). I did the procedure as you instructed and then went into the folder and DRAGGED the "default" XML codelist into the Nintendo DS window inside the AR Code Manager. Then it told me it was updating the DS and after about 2 mins. it had indeed transferred the codes into it because it appeared in the DS. Now I'm going to try and repeat with more games. I'll post further in a bit. JS
It works (!) and we downloaded codes for 4 games now including the latest favorite Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. We just drag the individual game codes into the Nintendo DS screen from the Codelist and it gets read in right away -- we stopped dragging the default codes. xml from the folder in the C:\ drive so it does not keep over-writing everything. Thanks very much for this valuable guidance. Most appreciated--and saved the father the need to go out and buy it all over again which he was ready to do! JS